Chapter Nine

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I walk down the street with my earphones blasting Lana Del Rey. Anything to keep my nerves calm. I clench my fist and feel them all sweaty. I wipe them on my jeans. Wearing dark denim was a good idea after all. Gosh, I am soo nervous. I literally feel like puking. But there's a lump in my throat, preventing that. I should order something to drink the moment I walk into the coffee shop. Why'd I even agree to a coffee shop? I hate coffee.

Karla and I have finally decided to meet in person. She is town for the weekend. So we agreed to meet at this local mom and pop coffee shop. It's actually not far from where I work. I texted her all day telling her how nervous I was and she said the same thing. I hope I don't freeze and make it awkward. No. We know each other better than that. We've been talking for almost a year now. We've been dating. We even already told each other those three little words. 

It was a month ago. We were arguing over music. Of course. We both have wide range of music taste and she was boasting about some new band. I listened to them and didn't like it. She argued until I said I agreed to listen to a different song. I heard her cheer and softly say. "You're lucky I love you." My eye's shot open wide and before I can stop  myself, I asked her. "What?" She stammered and said. "Nothing." I pointed out that it didn't sound like nothing. She cave and told me more clearly. "I love you, Lo." I smiled like an idiot and said. "I love you too, La." 

Now as I round the corner my heart pounds in my chest. This is it. I'm going to meet Karla. Shit. Do I shake her hand? Or kiss her? First impressions are everything, right? I walk into the little coffee shop and dart my eye's around. Nobody but college students slumped over laptops and school books. A couple of older men and women. But no Karla. I pop my head phones out and order some water. The barista gives me a look then hands over a water bottle. I pick a booth facing the glass door. A perfect view of anyone entering.

I play with the label on the water bottle waiting and waiting. More than an half hour goes by and still no Karla. I pull my phone out to see where she is but a commotion at the door halts me. A frenzy of people stand outside on the sidewalk screaming. Not an emergency kind of scream but a happy scream. Their phones are up snapping pics of someone right in the center of them. Everyone's attention in the coffee shop is drawn to the front too. I roll my eyes. Great. All I needed was a celebrity to show up to ruin this moment. 

A huge security guard makes way for whoever it is to enter. The glass door swings open and my heart drops.

It's Karla.

I narrow my eye's and blink over and over. That's her. I'm a hundred percent sure it's her. The same long dark brown hair. The same small frame. I can't see her eye's because she has on sunglasses but I know it's her. She talks to the girl beside her. A taller slightly thicker girl with tan skin and ombre hair. Both look like they just walked out of a photo shoot. 

Maybe it's a coincidence they walked up. The famous person must still be outside. I look beyond them and the security guard with dark skin holds off the people peering in and pounding on the glass windows. Both girls walk over and wait in line behind an older man. Did she even see me? 

Before I can even process it, I'm standing from the booth and walking over to her. I reach out for her hand. The taller girl notices me and shoots her hand out to stop me. My hand hoovers in the air.

"Whoa! She'll take a picture with you after, okay? Let her get a drink first." she snapped.

I arch a brow at her. What is she talking about. I turn to Karla again, ignoring her. "Karla it's me, Lauren."

She finally turns and takes her sunglasses off. She looks me up and down. "Who's Karla? And I don't know a Lauren."

I gulp. My throat is so dry that it hurts. I clear it hoping that will help. It doesn't. "W-wake me up?" I stammer out. Those are Karla's big brown eye's. How is she denying it?

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