Chapter Eight

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My stomach drops at her words. I slip my phone back under my bra and follow her out. As soon as we reach the dance floor, there's people standing around in a circle. Security fights to get through just as Ally and I do. I shove and push whoever is in my way. Breaking through the wall of bodies, I see Zayn and a shorter tanned guy with a snap back swinging on each other. I don't know what kind of animal instinct kicked on in me but I went running at the guy full force. I shove him away from Zayn but he's quicker and comes back at me. I take a fist to the face. I fly back and someone catches me. That only fueled me. I push away whoever is holding me. I see Zayn for a split second before he's being tackled by security. Then my vision tunnels on this guy. All I see is his baby face and stupid snap back. I swing my arm back and let it fly. It connects with his face with a loud smack. Then I feel arms around me and I'm being swept away.

Once we're ushered and waiting outside I'm able to catch my breath. The fire in me dissipates. Security hounds us all against the wall of the building. The dude Zayn was fighting stands across from us by the curb. I rub at my cheek as the police show up.

"Why'd you jump in, Laur?!" Zayn suddenly grabs my arm. 

I yank it away and snap back. "You were getting your ass kicked!" 

"I had him! Now we're both going to get in trouble!"

As he says that one the officers walk over to the scum bag who hit me for questioning. We watch from the opposite side as he tells his side of the story, pointing over to us now and then. 

"Lauren! Is everything okay?" Celine rushes through the security, clearly they know her since they let her through. She immediately tries to examine my face. 

I nod, shrugging her off, still cupping my cheek. "Yea. Just fine."

"You know who that is right?" she turns to the guy then back to us.

"No?" I reply and look over at Zayn. He shrugs. "Who?"

"Eric Diamond." Her eye's light up at the mention of his name then fall quickly when I don't react. "You don't know who that is?"

I shake my head. Celine looks back over to him. I do too and he's staring us down. A black SUV pulls up and the door is opened for him by security. A tanned hand with bracelets reaches out to him and he takes it, allowing whoever it is on the inside pull him in. An officer then makes his way over to us.

"Mr. Diamond decided not to press charges." The bald officer barks.

"Press chargers?!" Zayn pushes himself off the wall of the building, charging the cop. I grab his arm quickly and pull him back, warning him with my eye's. He backs down.

"You two are lucky. He would of sued you for everything you're worth." 

"Sue us? He hit a girl!" 

"No one said anything about hitting a female?" the cop questions, pulling out his little notebook. He scans over it.

"Go figure. A stuck up rich kid gets away with hitting a girl because he's famous." he rolls his eye's and turns to me. "Sorry, Laur."

"It's okay." I rub his forearm. I mean it was my fault for jumping in. Besides I got my hit in. I hope it bruises so the media sees it. 

"I suggest you two get going before he changes his mind." the same cop closes his notebook and looks up at us sternly.

Zayn takes my arm and yanks me away toward the parking lot. Celine smiles softly. I give her a small wave bye then pick up my pace to keep up with Zayn. As we get near his car he lets me go. I completely forgot about Ally until I see her running as fast as her little legs allow toward us.

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