chapter 6 : stay !!!...

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   After having my dinner ..... I went to shower ....tharn is still looking at his tab seriously !!!..... I showered and came back ....I went to closet and picked his long white shirt ...I wore it !!!.....let's see how he is going to control himself today .... I smirked!!....

Type - tharn ~~

Tharn looked at me ....he is stunned for a sec ....he shook his head and again concentrated at his tab !!...

he shook his head and again concentrated at his tab !!

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Tharn - why don't you wear something your size ???....

Type -'s so hot today !!!.... It's comfortable for me ..... You have any problem ??....

Tharn -

I went near him ..... I climbed the bed and sat beside him !!!!...... Tharn looked at me and covered my legs with quilt !!!....

Type - why are you covering me ??...

Tharn - your....yours legs ...I mean are disturbing me !!!....

Type - I already told you ......its hot today .....I don't want this quilt !!...

I kicked it out .....tharn was oogling at my legs ....I smirked !!....I moved near to him and acting like looking into tab !!....ofcourse I used a new shampoo ..... He is rubbing his nose on my cheek .....

 He is rubbing his nose on my cheek

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I rested my head on his shoulder .... Tharn's breath is increasing ....and I am giggling silently ....

Gulf - he is pretty good at controlling himself type !!...

Type - I type ,won't give up that easily ...

I smirked ....

Type - oww....tharn ...

Tharn looked at me ....

Tharn - what happened ??...

Type - I bit my lips ....see...

Tharn - where ???...

Type - here .....

Type - here

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