chapter 13 : suspect !!!

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Type pov :

      What the hell is going on here ....tharn is suspect now ???.....I stopped fiat ....

Type - what's the case ??

Fiat - p type we found agent gill's dead body yesterday night !!!....

Type - what???....agent Gill is murdered ???

Fiat - yes p ....and we found mr.tharn's hair strip near the dead body he is the suspect now !!!

Type - where did you find the dead body ???

Fiat - in the beach  P !!!!

Tharn - baby ......don't worry ....

Type - they are trying to frame you tharn .....I can't let this happen !!!.... Maybe someone is trapping you in this case !!!!..... And also you was with me the whole time yesterday  !!!....

Tharn - calm's okay .....drop kids to school and I will come back soon ....don't panic okay ...

Type - but ....

Tharn - babe ....

I sighed heavily ..... Tharn went out took out handcuff's .....he is about to handcuff tharn ....

Tharn - excuse me ...but may I know ...
are you  new joining in this team ???

Fiat - yes sir ...

Tharn - iam not the culprit just a suspect or accused can't handcuff me .....according to section 49 !!! can put them on me when you have permission from the higher authorities or when you prove me guilty for my crime !!!.

Fiat opened his mouth !!!..... tharn snapped his finger on his face .....

Tharn - mr....can we go now ??

He shut his mouth up and went to police jeep .....tharn went with him !!!..... I called tar and handed kids to him !!!.....

Tar - what happened P ??? said it's urgent !!!!

Type - tharn is taken to police custody .....he will be interrogated now !!!....I should go now !!!

Tar - p type !!!..... Don't worry ....he will be back soon ....

Type - what the hell is going on here ??.... He is saying not to worry and you are saying the same !!!..... You think he went to visit guest ???...... He is taken into the custody damn it !!!!!!..... Iam freaking out here !!!.....

Tar - p type !!!!....... You can go and even look .....he will be fine P !!!..... I will send kids to school okay .... Come on kids ...

He said and he left with kids in his car !!!....I immediately changed my clothes and went to the office !!!.... My brother will be interrogating tharn !!!...... I went behind the glass's not started yet !!!.... I sighed in relief !!.....

I asked my team about the case ....they said they found two evidence . .....this time it's a ring ....and " for you " is written on it,and a symbol too

and " for you " is written on it,and a symbol too

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