chapter 47 : happy ??

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Type pov :

Iam confused at puifai's behaviour stomach is paining a lot on the other side ...

Type - are you crazy ??.... Arghh...why are you laughing ??...

Puifai - looking at you type !!...

Type - what ??

Puifai - you rejected me for that faggot you just lost your child ...he will dump you !!....

Type - what the hell are you saying ??...

Puifai - don't know ??.... You are pregnant !!...iam sorry were pregnant !!!....

My brain didn't processed that !!....I was pregnant ??... I ran to taxi and told him to go hospital !!!.... My hands are shaking ...I rushed to khunpol ..

Khunpol - type ???..... You returned ??

Type - whats my results ??... Iam not pregnant right ??..

Khunpol - you are pregnant type !!!... Congratulations ...I told tharn ...he is very happy ...

Type - it's not possible !!... Iam not !!!...arghh...

I caught my stomach ...khunpol checked me ...he looked shocked ...

Khunpol - did you ate something ??....

Type - no...I just drank coffee ...

Khunpol - is it paining here ??...

Type - yeah ...

He made me sit ...

Khunpol - type !!.... Calm down ....okay ...just listen to me ...

I nodded ...

Khunpol - the baby ....

He breathed in heavily ...

Khunpol - you aren't pregnant anymore ??...

I caught his collar ...

Type - no !!!... Tell me iam fine !!!... My baby is fine !!....

He shook his head ...he hugged me ...

Type - tell me baby is fine !!...( sob ) baby is fine !!...

Khunpol - baby is aborted type !!! should digest the truth !!!!... Someone poisoned you !!!....

Type - don't tell tharn !!!...( sob )... Please ...( sob )... Please ...

He nodded ... I can't face tharn .... Khunpol gave me meds stomach is okay now ....tharn called me ...

I controlled my tears and replied to him

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I controlled my tears and replied to him .... I washed my face and went home !!... They all surprised ...tharn came and hugged me ...I hugged him tightly ...i am sorry ...( sob )... Iam sorry .... ( sob )... please dont leave me...

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