chapter 44 : mine !!

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Tharn pov :

       This drug case's not solved yet !!!... We got similar cases more than 10 ...every family suicides suddenly but there are no clues of the family member goes to jail and they were officers or agents who was Famous in solving cases !!!... Damn it !!..the only common thing is that they all are wolf families ...not humans !!..they will be strong but how can they suicide at once ??....this is eating my brain !!...arghh...I caught my head and is thinking ...someone's pulling my pant !!.. I looked down's little pie ...she extended her arms and said " dad..dy !!!" .

I smiled and picked her up ...she is 3 now ...she started calling me daddy and type dad ...she calls pete mama ....she can call grandma and grand pa ....nong will return every four months and goes back to border in hurry ...pete is now pregnant ..4 month is going on's a baby boy now ...we all are happy and exicted to see him soon !!...

Little pie is playing in my arms ...

Little pie - dad dy...

I looked at her ...

Tharn - yes little pie ...what do you want ??

Little pie - icey ...

Tharn - you want an ice cream ??

She nodded ...

Tharn - let's go and find some ice cream then ....

I carried her to kitchen ....I opened the fridge and took an ice cream ...she giggled ...I gave it to her ...we went to my room back !!!....

Tharn - it's good ??..

She nodded ...

Tharn - eat soon okay ...your dad will return now !!!.... He will scold us if you eat Ice cream !!... Eat fast ...okay ??

She nodded and smiled ...I kissed her cheek ....type returned ...I hid little pie behind the table ...

Tharn - dad returned ...shh...stay here ..okay !!..

Type - what are you doing there tharn ??

Tharn - n..nothing ...just looking after the case!!!..

Type - why are you panicking ??..

Tharn - I...iam not type ...

I smiled forcely ...

Type - wait a min ...something is fishy here ...where is my baby ??

Tharn - maybe in playing room !!..

Type - why can I sense her here then ??? move aside first !!...

Tharn - no one is here type ....see...

I moved a little ....he came to me and pushed me to wall !!!... He is checking ...he caught little pie !!!!...she squealed ...

Little pie - dad !!!...

Type - why are you hiding in there ??

Tharn - nothing ...we are just playing hide and seek ...right little pie ???...

She nodded...

Tharn - see ...

Type - really ??... What's about ice cream around her mouth ??... How many times I told you not to give her Icecream ???.. she will get cold ...

 she will get cold

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