chapter 54 : truth ...

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Tharn pov :

      After having breakfast ....we went to our room .... I logged into Tum's spare account ...

Tharn - tar ...tell me the password !!

Tar - maybe birthday P ..

Type - what's your birthdate ??

Tharn - I know ....

I entered the password and it opened ....we checked the recent files..I clicked on it !!!.... Damn it !!!....

Type - that means president is dealing with drugs and he is targeting youngsters with this !!!.... Shit !!.... And the agents who found this are framed and their familes are murdered ....the main goal is to vanish all the wolf familes that no humans can face him !!... He wants to rule human world !!!!...

We all are shocked with the news ....there is another file ...I clicked on it ...

My mom and dad !!.... My eyes got watery ... I remembered now..... he is uncle Ben !!!... He is one who killed my mom and dad !!...... Mew is fuming in anger ...type came and hugged me ...

Type - calm down .... We should collect evidence.... This will be invalid by court !!...

Tharn - how can we  find the evidence then ??...

Type - he should accept .... We will look after it ...

I calmed down .....

After a week ...

Type pov :

      President called us ....tharn and me went to his cabin ...we are just waiting for him to call us ....

President - Mr kirigun and mr intouch ...iam waiting for you both ...

Type - why ?? are already spying on us right ???...

I threw chip on his desk ....

President - what are you talking about mr.intouch ??

Tharn - don't try to act ....I know you killed my mom and dad !!!... You are uncle Ben right !!!...

President - finally remember tharn!!.... I thought you forgot me ...hahaha..

He is laughing....I clenched my fist !!!....

President - so ...what now ??....your father was king !!!.... I killed him the power is mine now !!!.... You know something tharn ....the agents whose families are dead know who are they ??..

Tharn looked confuse ...

President - they are your father's followers ...... That means they are your people !!!...they are very smart ...they knew all my business ..... So ...inorder to shut their mouths ....I killed them ...

Type - atleast you are accepting the truth asshole !!..

President - yeah ...why not ??... And I must appreciate you both !!.... You both deserve alpha and luna posts ...tharn...if your father is alive .....he would have made you both alpha...means kings !!!!....

Tharn - don't talk about my father !!!..... You will be dead !!....

President - actually tharn ..... I would have killed you when the moment you take up drug case ....but what can I do ??... My son ....lhong !!... He loves you so much !!... So you are alive because of him ....and your mate !!... Type ...very dangerous !!!....heard that you lost your child !!..... Poor kids ...

Type - we don't need your pity bastard !!...

President - you can't kill me ...because ...more than 100 bodyguards are around my cabin !!!.... If I snap ...they will kill you both in instant !! to the point !!.... Let's make a deal ....

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