chapter 66 : love ...

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Sam pov :

     I went to home after doing a surgery ...iam very tired ....I sat on couch and paa are watching movie...

Sam - paa...iam hungry ...

Paa - food is in fridge ....reheat it and eat !!..

Sam - paa~~~

Paa - you aren't a kid !!!....serve yourself !!..

I sighed and went to fridge it's full of food !!...

Sam - paa??..... Is it any special today ??.. you made so many dishes ??

Paa - taste them and say it ....that's it ...

I nodded and took my favourites .... I reheated it and went to paa....he is feeding me ....they are very tasty ...

Paa - you like it ??

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Paa - you like it ??

Sam - these are very tasty .....I love it !!...

Paa smiled ...

Paa - Lilly made for you ...

She knows my favorites .....these are tasty ...I smiled back ....I ate and went to my room ....I went to sleep...

Next day ....I asked Rosie to a date for the first time !!... I got ready and went to hall...Lilly came and gave me coffee ...

Lilly - good morning P ....

She went to paa....what is she doing in our house ??.... Sista came after her morning exercise!!!...Lilly went and gave her towel ..sista is wiping her sweat ..

Lilly - P !!.... Good morning ...

Diya - good morning nong !!.... Can I get a juice ??

Lilly - yes P ....5 min ...

Sista came and sat beside me ....Lilly came and gave her juice !!!....she sat beside sista..

Lilly - P .... Dad said you are going on date I brought this dress for you !!....

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