chapter 60 : love...

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Techno pov :

     I know what type is gonna do ...he took knife from tharn and he is smiling ...

Techno - type !!.... No....don't !!...

He looked at me ...

Type - I can't bear this pain no...( sob )... I can't live without him !!!...

He said and pierced the knife through his heart

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He said and pierced the knife through his heart ...we all shouted ...

Techno - type !!...

Type pressed his forehead to tharn ...We all fell on our knees and crying ....Sammie is running to type I caught him ....I hugged Sammie and crying hard ...suddenly a golden glow came from both ......the moon shined in gold ....the dagger is vanished from type ...they both are okay ....we stood up immediately !!!...type opened his eyes and tharn too....

Type smiled ....

Type - tharnn.....( sob )... You are okay ??...

He kissed tharn all over his face !!!

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He kissed tharn all over his face !!!.... Tharn got up and wiped type tears ....they both hugged each other !!!.....we all smiled ran to them ....they hugged kids .....

Tharn - don't cry little pie....daddy is here naa ...

Princess nodded ...she hugged tharn tightly !!!!....We all went and hugged them....later we went to home !!!..... Type and tar cooked for us !!!.... We all got fresh up ....we all gathered at dining table ...

Tharn - babe ....I'm hungry ...

Type - coming !!...

Tharn is talking to princess ....Sammie is clinging to type !!.... Type and tar served us ....

Sammie - dad~~~

Type - don't cry naa baby ....hmm....see I made your favourite your mouth !!....

Type is feeding Sammie ....

Techno - Sammie ....come here's uncle techno naa....

He hugged type and shook his head ...

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