chapter 38 : weak !!!

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Pete pov :

      Iam studying for my project work....pond came to me ...

Pond - hello pete ...

Pete - hello khab ...

Pond - so ....that shorty told you about college match right ???

Pete - what match khab ??

Pond - he didn't tell you ?...

I shook my head ....

Pond - there is a college match for our department... Just like a fighting match !!....

Pete - is ae participating khab ??.

Pond - ofcourse he is ....

Pete - is it dangerous khab ??...

Pond - a little I think .... Everyone's mate's are coming for encouraging girlfriend is coming too...

Pete - can I come khab ??

Pond - you don't want to encourage him ??...

Pete - ofcourse I am khab ..

Pond - then come today evening at 5 pm !!! auditorium !!...

Pete - I will khab ...

He smiled and went ....I will get to see ae fight !!!...iam so excited !!!... I started doing my works fast .....I got ready in the evening and went to auditorium !!!.... Everyone are fighting in the ring ....two matches are completed ....there are two groups fighting for the cup !!!....two matches are won by our group !!...

   Third match started went to ring ....iam smiling 's fighting skills are so good !!!... Just like p tharn's won ....who wins three matches the cup will be theirs we won !!!!.... Iam so happy !!!... Ae got out of the ring !!...I went near the is receiving winning cup from seniors ...I saw other group is throwing a glass bottle to ae .....I rushed to him using my powers and the glass bottle smashed on my palm !!!...

I rushed to him using my powers and the glass bottle smashed on my palm !!!

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Ae looked at me ....

Ae - pete !!!!....what are you doing here ??....

He is checking me and caught my wounded hand which is red from blood leaking from my veins !!!....



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