chapter 33 : okay??

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Type pov :

I reached the room ....tharn is sitting on bed and trying to apply medicine ...I went to him and sat infront of him ....

Type - give that medicine to me !!....

He pouted ....

Type - you sulking ??...why ??...

He touched his swollen hands with spirit and shouted in pain .... I tried to take his hands into mine ...but he isn't allowing me..

Type - I already told you naa

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Type - I already told you naa.... That iam going to home !!..... I didn't went without informing you ....

Tharn - why don't you stay there ??.... Why you came back now ??...

I caught his face and kissed his lips ....I parted and looked at him ....

Type - because my boyfriend needs me now !!!....

Type - because my boyfriend needs me now !!!

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He smiled .... I shared my energy to him and his wounds healed in seconds ....

Type - you okay ??

He smirked and pulled me for another kiss.... I embraced my hands around his neck ....he caught my hair and deepened the kiss.... Soon the sloppy sounds are filling the room ....

we parted and a string of saliva dissapeared in the air

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we parted and a string of saliva dissapeared in the air .... He pulled me upon him and attached our Lips  together again .... He turned me around and soon he is on top of me ....

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