chapter 11 : full moon !!

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Tharn pov :

Me and diya are boxing !!!.... She is punching hard and I can feel her strength !!!....

She will be a good hunter and fighter in future !!!

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She will be a good hunter and fighter in future !!!....iam really happy that she fought for her brother !!!..... I remembered my past days !!!.... We both finished our training and went back to home !!!!.....

Type is preparing sam to school diya is suspended from school ...she will be at home !!!....

Type pov :

Tharn went to drop sam in school and he said he will go restuarant today diya will be with me ....

Diya - dad....teach me how to cook ..

Type - come here .....chop this vegetables okay .....

Diya - is this okay dad ???..

Type - there are too big baby ....can you cut them a little bit small ???

Diya - like this dad??...

Type - yes......and be careful with your fingers !!!!....

She nodded and cutting vegetables ..... She helped me in cooking .... I tasted it ...

Diya - how's it dad ??

Type - it's good .....just a little bit of salt needed ...

She giggled happily .... We both watched cartoon shows all the day .....tharn came back with sam in his arms !!!.....he gave sam to me and immediately went to his room !!!..... Diya and sam are playing and I went to room ....

Gulf - he is upset !!!.....

Type - why ??

Gulf - I don't know....I can feel that he is upset !!!.....he is sad too....

He is showering .... He came from shower and changed his clothes ....he laid on bed ....

Type - what happened ??... Why are you upset ???....

Tharn - nothing .....just a little bit of headache !!!.....

I went beside him and took his head onto my lap!!!..... I massaging his head .....he went to sleep soon !!!...I arranged a pillow under his head and went to do laundry !!!!!..... I picked up his clothes and putting them in washing machine !!.... When I picked up his kerchief !!!.... It smelled bad .....shit !!.... Where did he went today ???'s awful !!!!....and the kerchief has red spots too !!!.......

Type - is he hiding something from us ????

Gulf - I think no.....

Type - ooo...yeah ...I remembered he said he will go to meat suppliers today !!!....for restuarant work !!!.....maybe he accidentally got something on his kerchief !!!.....

Tharn - arghhhh....babe !!!!...

Tharn shouted from bedroom .....I rushed to him ....he is sitting while catching his head !!!!.....I went beside him and checked his temperature !!!..... He is having a fever !!.....I brought a cloth to wipe his body ..... I wiped his body and it's night already ..... I went and cooked them dinner .....I fed sam and diya finished her dinner ....I patted them to sleep and went to tharn with food !!!....

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