chapter 50 : don't leave ...

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Ae pov :

P tharn isnt listening to me .... I should make him listen !!!...

Ae - P !!!....listen to me !!...

Tharn - you are lying !!... Type doesn't love me !!.... He loves that girl !!....

I went to him and punched him in the face!!!....p tharn growled in pain ....


P tharn stayed silent ....

Ae - do you know why p type hates gays ??

Tharn - because he hates me !!!...

Ae - SHUT UP and listen !!!....

He nodded ...

Ae - you know P .....p type hates gays because he was raped !!!...

P tharn is shocked .....

P Tharn - what ??

Ae - yeah ...he was raped in childhood !!...( sob )... He locked himself in room for a month !!!..... ( sob )... He went to depression ...( sob )... He had constant nightmares......he hated every man with his guts !!....( sob )....but I don't know how he loved you P...( sob ) are his first love !!....( sob ) know why he didn't said yes to marry you ??

P tharn - why ??..

Ae - he is scared !!...( sob )... Scared of losing you ....( sob ).... If he says the truth ...he thought that you will hate him !!....( sob )...he thought you will leave him !!!.......

P tharn is crying ....he fell on his knees ...I sat infront of him ....

Ae - now answer me P....( sob )... Didn't he loved you ??....( sob )....when he hid that he was aborted's for you ....( sob ).. you know something P .....he went to orphanage to adopt a child for you ...because he can't see you hurt !!!....( sob )... Because he thought he can't give you a kid !!!...

 Because he thought he can't give you a kid !!!

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I wiped his tears ....

Ae - iam sorry for hitting you P ...( sob ).. please come home okay ....( sob )... P type is depressed again !!...

P tharn nodded ....I made him stand and we went home !!!!....

Tharn pov :

Now I understood why type cried that day when we saved that girl !!!....I am walking to home ....

Tharn - type ~~

After few seconds ...type is running towards me and I extended my arms for him !!!.... He ran and jumped onto me !!....I hugged him tightly ...

Tharn - iam sorry baby ...( sob ).. sorry for hurting you naa....

 sorry for hurting you naa

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