chapter 41 : sulking ...

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Ae pov :

      It's been a month since we are married ....iam so happy ...but ....I should go to my work !!!... It's been my life dream ....pete is packing my clothes ...he isn't talking to me ...he is just silent from yesterday ...

Ae - babe ....those clothes are enough ...I will wear uniform anyway ...

Pete - hmm....

He said and keeping candy jars in it

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He said and keeping candy jars in it ....he made candies for me ....he is keeping lunch boxes too's enough for me to eat 10 days ...

Ae - babe ~~~ they are enough ...

Pete - hmm...

He went to closet and picking up clothes again ....I caught his hand ....he looked at me ..I cupped his face ...tears are flowing from his eyes ..I wiped his tears ...

Ae - babe ...stop crying know I can't go ...if you cry like this !!!..

He nodded and smiled for me ....

Ae - I love you ....

He started crying again ....I sighed and kissed his eyes....

Ae - baby~~~its just 4 months naa ....I will be back ....

Pete - I...I will come to ...( sob )... Drop you khab ...

I shook my head ...

Ae - no ....I can't go if you come to drop me ...your tears can make me stop from going .....

your tears can make me stop from going

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He nodded and hugged me tightly ...

Pete - p .. please ...

Ae - no .... I can't go if I see you there ...

Pete - just remember ...( sob ).... I will waiting for you here !!....

Ae - of course will never leave my heart and my mind too ...

He parted and kissed my cheek ....I wiped his tears and kissed his forehead ....pete smiled and suddenly ....he ran to bathroom ....I followed him ...he is puking ...I rubbed his back ....he washed his mouth ...

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