Chapter 2

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"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Yes Izuku, I can handle the café by myself, it's not my first time, remember when you were sick?"

"I know Kyoka, but it doesn't stop me from worrying."

Izuku was currently talking to his best, and only, employee Kyoka Jirou. She started working with him two years ago and became one of Izuku's closest friends, it also helped that she didn't judge him on his Quirk, plus Eri liked her so it was a plus.

The reason why he was worried wasn't because he had no faith in her skills, quite the opposite in fact, no it was because Friday was one of their most busy days, he was worried incase she would be overworked and left exhausted.

"I'll be fine Izuku, you and Eri just go to U.A already before he changes his mind and your car decides to crap out on you again," Kyoka said, ushering him out to the awaiting car.

Izuku sighed, "Fine, just promise me if things get too much, call me, okay?"

"I promise, now go! Before you're late!"

"Bye Miss Kyoka!" Eri waved from their car's window, a green 1970 dodge charger with a black roof, two black stripes down hood and a black stripe across the back.

He found it rotting in a beach that was turned into an illegal dumping ground, he found someone who could fix it up and could replace the parts it needed but being from the pre-Quirk area, it wasn't cheap, but it was worth it seeing Eri smile when they first took it for a drive.

Kyoka watched them drive off to U.A with a slight bit of jealousy, she wanted to go see U.A for the first time together, but she recognised that this was important for both of them.

As she watched the car fade Into the distance before walking back to the cash register, that was until, "You know," Kyoka yelped and spun around only to be met with her mother, "Are you going to finally ask him out?" Mika asked with a smirk.

"Wha-How-MOM! How did you even get in here without me hearing you!?" Kyoka screamed, her earphone jacks flailing out of control.

"A mother has her ways, Kyoka," Mika said with a matter-of-fact tone.

"How do you know he likes me too...?" Kyoka asked insecurely. "I'm not really as gifted as other girls..."

"Kyoka, do you really think that matters to him? And even then, is there some other girl that he has working with him? Or just you? And don't you dare say Eri, she does not count," Mika asked rhetorically.

"...Just me, b-but he's also my boss so..." Kyoka muttered shyly.

"So just take the leap Kyoka. That's what your father did with me. And look where that got him," Mika asked with a smile.

'The idea of having a family with Izu does sound good...' Kyoka thought to herself.

"Okay... I'll ask... Just... I'll ask him tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow?"

"We're going to be celebrating our second year of us working together," Kyoka said.

Mika grinned teasingly at her daughter, "Ah, I see. A little romantic confession?"


Her mother cracked into manic laughter before the front door opened and closed with a giggle, signifying that a customer had arrived. A tall lanky man came through the door, he had short cut brown hair and rich blue eyes, he wore a green collar shirt with a black tie and a white overcoat.

Kyoka smiled kindly to the man, "Good morning, Dr. Crane. I assume you want the usual?" She spoke in english.

Dr. Jonathan Crane was an American who moved to Japan about a year ago to work in the field of psychiatry. His Quirk is similar to Izuku's, causing the two to latch onto each other like a house on fire. His Quirk allowed him to see the fears of anyone he touches while making eye contact.

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