Chapter 12

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Okay idiot, gather round and stop being horny or go to the horny corner!

Thanks to the last Chapter, some of you are under the impression that Momo might join the relationship. My question to you is do you honestly want her to join?

I personally have no issue with adding her as I personally love IzuMomoJirou and will quite happily add it, so the choices is up to you.

Yes to IzuMomoJirou.

No to IzuMomoJirou.

Now go, be free, return to monke.


"So, this is the 'bomb' where supposed to protect?" Momo said as she inspected what they were meant to protect and moved it slightly with relative ease, "It appears to be made out of paper mache so we can move it wherever we want."

Izuku nodded at her statement but really couldn't bring himself to fully listen, all he could focus on was what Mineta said in the changing room as it played over and over again.

He growled unconsciously at those words, he just wanted right now to rip the little pervert apart, he was brought out of it when he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see the concerned face of his partner, "Are you alright Kayama?"

"Ye-... No," Izuku admitted, "It's just what Mineta said in the changing rooms about Eri that's just got my blood boiling."

"Jirou had a random burst of anger, is that connected," The green-haired boy nodded, "I know her hearing is a lot better than others, may I ask what did he say?"

Izuku told the ravenette what was said and to say that Yaoyorozu was mad would be an understatement, the look of pure fury looked out of place on her features.

"That is not on!" She stated, "We have to tell someone!"

Izuku nodded, "Me and Kyouka are going to head to Nezu's office after this, but I already have a plan on what to do with him."

Momo looked at him questionly and he gestured for her to come closer despite being alone, she humerd him and leaned forward so he could whisper into her ear.

The black-haired girl smirked, "That's a good plan Kayama, but if we do this," She whispered back, when they were done they looked at each other with grins that would make Nezu himself weep with pride.

They started giggling with each other before it devolved into a truly villainous laugh, they went off to start preposterous.


In the observation room All Might's face darkened and his teeth clenched, he turned around and spoke to the boys and Kyouka, "Is it true what Young Kayama said about what happened in the changing rooms with Young Mineta?"

The boys and Kyouka nodded their heads while the remaining girls looked confused, seeing their confirmation they explained what had transpired and what was said.

"This will not go unpunished," All Might promised, "After this exam I will bring him to Nezu to deal with."

"Oh, don't worry All Might, I've got something special planned for him, hahaHAHAHA-!" The principal's voice came through the speakers before his manic laughter was cut off.

The students and teacher, besides Eri who was watching the screens diligently, shivered in terror and almost felt bad for the purple pervert.


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