Chapter 21

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The observation room was silent as the classes of 1A and 1B watched as two medical robots carried Izuku to the Nurse's office with Recovery Girl following closely behind them, nobody said anything especially Kyouka who had gone completely catatonic when she saw the attack hit her boyfriend.

Eri was also in a similar state of shock as she watched her father being carried away, her head slowly turning to the boy responsible for his current condition being ripped a new one by the three teachers present.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!?" Vlad King screamed, his body language screamed that he wanted to beat the boy into a bloody pulp for that stunt.

'He... hurt Papa...' Eri though, still watching the interaction though the words around her seemed to be muffled with the exception of Bakugo's and the teachers.

"You are perfectly aware of the conditions of allowing you to even be allowed into U.A. Young Bakugo," All Might said with a face that would make most villains run, if those present could give the blond anything he stood his ground against a clearly pissed off All Might, "You'll be lucky if the board doesn't throw you out of U.A. for your actions today, let alone the possibilitie of jail time."

"I just hope that Kayama is alright by the end of this and you don't face the wrath of his mothers," Aizawa muttered to himself, though from the blond's face everyone could tell that he couldn't care less about what the teachers were telling him.

'He hurt Papa.' She growled within her mind, she was starting to shake with growing rage, fists clenched tightly and her hair covered her slightly glowing red eyes, gold wisps of energy and electricity seemed to sparking from them.

"Tch, the fucking bastard shouldn't have gotten in my way then," That seemed to have been the straw that broke the camel's back because as soon as those words left Katsuki's mouth something snapped in the young girl.

'HE HURT PAPA!' She screamed in her head while letting out a feral screech that would tear apart anyone's vocal cords, Eri bolted towards the blond so fast that those watching would have called it flash stepping.

Time seemed to dilate as the young girl cocked her right fist as far back as she could and at the moment she was at her max Eri threw her fist forward into an uppercut right into the blond, sadly for him due to her height that meant that the punch landed right into his crotch and everyone watched as he crumbled to the ground like a sack of bricks.

Though the boys were wholly unsympathetic for him they did wince and cover their own manhoods in shared pain especially when they heard something crack, whether it was Eri's knuckles cracking or the boy's testicles they wouldn't, and didn't want to, know.

The moment Bakugo landed on the ground Eri lept on top of him and started beating his face in, each punch that landed tore the gloves of her costume apart from the force she was hitting him with. Blow after blow Eri's punches grew stronger to the point that it caused blood to start gushing from his nose, mouth and her knuckles staining both her costume and hands red, but she didn't stop as she just kept beating the blond who had made her and her father's life a living hell for years.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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