Chapter 16

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Normally Hirooki was a calm and collected woman that was not prone to fits of rage, however when her students and her son were teleported to God knows where to presumably be killed by the invading villains she lost it.

She made sure that the students that weren't teleported away where behind her she unleashed the full might of her Black Hole Quirk, she hoped that Izuku and Kyouka where still alive because if they died and made Eri an Orphan she would make sure that Kurogiri would receive a slow and painful death.

Unlike her wife she had very little in the way of combat experience due to the fear of her own Quirk accidentally killing someone, that wouldn't stop her however from making sure this villain stayed down.

Hirooki was successful in stalling him but he got the better of her by opening a warp gate right behind her letting her Quirk bass through, it ripped the back of her costume apart and she screamed in pain when she felt the pain coursing on her back.

Subconsciously she sat off her Quirk but the pain proved to be too much as she soon passed out, 'I'm sorry Nemuri... Izuku...'

Her last thoughts were of her family before slipping into unconsciousness and the vage sounds of engines rushing past her.


Kyouka came to the conclusion that today was utter shit as it should have been the day that they would have a relatively peaceful rescue training session, instead she was falling through a portal from a villain that just had to attack the U.S.J. for whatever reason to be sent to their possible deaths.

She landed on a rocky surface with a thud and groaned as she lifted herself up, looking around she spotted Momo and Denki picking themselves up. Just as she was about to ask if they were alright and where they were villains started to appear around them, a few got into battle stance while others ogled at the two females more specifically Momo.

Kaminari grunted as he finally stood up and looked at the punk girl, "How would you describe your life right now? Because I'd say mine's pretty fucked."

"Like a poorly written fanfiction," Kyouka said as she glared at the villain's that were surrounding them.

Momo blinked a few times before looking at her friend, "That was oddly specific," She said as she handed her a sword that she had created, "You need anything Kaminari?"

"Nah, I'm good!" He yelled as electricity sparked around his body.

With a warcry the fight began as Kaminari shot off bolts of electricity at his opponents while Momo created a shotgun for herself and fired it at one of the villain's stomach, the sound rang out and everyone looked on with shocked expressions before realizing that it was just a beanbag round.

Recocking her shotgun she cast her stealed gaze on the other villains, when she saw that they were looking at her with looks of slight fear she just gave them a smile before taking aim once more.

The Yaoyorozu heiress looked over to Kyouka and saw her clashing blades with another villain, "What are you doing Jirou?"

"Mastering the fucking blade apparently!" She yelled as she stabbed the villain in the leg and kicked him in the face, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing as well as I can, though I should thank Mother and Father for teaching me how to use firearms," Momo said as she dropped to more villains and shot one that tried to sneak up on Kaminari, "When I give the signal I'll need you to run at me alright?"

"What signal?"

"You'll know when you see it!" Just then the back of the ravenette's costume started expanding before a massive blanket made from some material that Kyouka couldn't discern.

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