Chapter 11

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U.A. was everything like Izuku expected and yet at the same time wasn't, they were taught by Pro Heroes every day and while that was amazing it quickly lost its charm somewhat.

He did find it amusing that they set up a little desk next to his so Eri could work next to either him or Kyouka, speaking of the school made some class work for Eri appropriate for her age to do in class and would be graded like any other student.

This also brought great concern to both the couple and the staff that it was Nezu who made the work.

Nemuri taught his Modern Hero Art History and for a moment he thought it would be fun being taught by his Mom but quickly realised the folly in this, when he entered the room with his class she was hidden within the podium in front of the class so when he walked past she sprang and engulfed him in a tight hug.

The class was shocked by this with Iida making a remark about it being inappropriate, Kyouka was laughing her ass off with Eri giggling to herself.

Him and his Moms agreed that they wouldn't tell any of his class about their relations as they could interpret his grades as favoritism, though what he didn't know was that Nemuri and Hirooki agreed in secret that they would hug their son in class to embrace him.

Also speaking of Hirooki he learned something about one of his classmates, he was making breakfast for everyone when Ochako Uraraka came down the stairs in Thirteen pajamas.

They were also the same ones Eri was wearing at that moment.

So naturally the two gushed about the Pro to each other and listing off their favourite rescues, the conversation ended with her honouring the brunette as 'Auntie Ocha' causing the girl to faint from the adorableness.

Mina also wasn't spared as she was often there with Kirishima playing with her, the now dubbed 'Auntie Mina' also hit the deck as her heart combusted for a moment.

An invisible girl named Toru mumbled that they were dropping like flies, though no one really complained.

It was currently the last lesson of the day and they were all seated in their classroom ready, they watched the door in anticipation when a booming recognisable voice called out.

"I AM..." The door burst open, revealing All Might in an older costume, "ENTERING THE ROOM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!"

"It's All Might!" Kirishima yelled, pointing at the hero.

"Is that his silver age outfit, ribbit?" Tsu asked, pointing out the cape ruffling in the wind behind him.

"It is," Izuku confirmed, "He retired the cape when he switched to his current outfit. He only wears the caped outfits for special occasions now."

Eri and Kyouka giggled at Izuku needing out, with the latter giving him a teasing grin, when he saw it causing him to blush and hide his face. His daughter at least cared enough to give him a pity hug.

"Good eyes class, that will be a good talent to hone, distinguishing what outfits your fellow heroes and the villains you fight are wearing. You never know when a villain's clothes are packing a surprise weapon!" All Might said as he marched into the room, taking his spot behind the podium, "Now then, your first day of Foundational Heroics! Today we will be having a practical lesson."

"What will we be doing?" Kaminari asked, already bouncing in his seat.

All Might smirked, "I'm glad you asked," He pulled forth a placard and faced it towards them, bearing the word 'BATTLE', "Today we will be doing battle trials, but first, you have to look the part!" At that, he pushed a button on the podium, and the wall to their left opened, allowing several shelves to slide out, bearing suitcases with their names and class number on them, "These were designed based on your quirk registration forms and the request forms you submitted before classes started."

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