Chapter 7

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"So, Izuku Kayama now huh?"

"Well Izuku Midoriya Kayama, so I can keep some part of Mom with me," Izuku said as he, Kyouka and Eri were walking hand in hand.

"Well I want to congratulate you but I also want to pity you," Seeing Izuku’s raised eyebrow she elaborated, "You're now stuck in an endless cycle of 'go ask your mother'."

Izuku thought about it for a moment before the realization dawned on him and he grew pale, his sudden dread caused both Eri and Kyouka to laugh at him and his new found misery.

Today was the day of the U.A. entrance exam and Kyouka, Eri and Izuku were on their way there, Izuku had just finished telling Kyouka about what had happened after the adoption process had finally finished, he had asked Nemuri and Hirooki that he could keep the Midoriya part as a middle name and they were more than happy to agree.

Of course Eri also wanted the same treatment in honor of her first grandma, now going by Eri Midoriya Kayama.

Izuku was a little nervous about the whole exam, not that he wouldn't pass, do not mistake him he had some confidence in his abilities, no the reason was because he heard nothing from the ash blond that tormented him throughout his life.

Granted he never wanted to hear from him to begin with but not so much as a whisper was kind of unsettling, but he counted his blessings that Eri didn't have to deal with him anymore.

The gate and the large H shaped building that was U.A. University was finally in sight, the party of three stopped just outside of the gates and marveled at the size of the building, despite both Izuku and Eri having already seen it they still felt tingly about being in front of the structure.

"This is it," Kyouka said, "Our first step on becoming heroes!"

"YEA!" Both Izuku and Eri exclaimed in excitement while pumping their fists in the air.

They stayed there looking at the building for a few more moments before crossing the line onto U.A. to begin their exam, they felt like there was nothing that could stop them!

…Until Izuku tripped.

'Fuck me for all I'm worth, really…?' Izuku thought but was stopped by Kyouka who quickly grabbed onto him, "Thanks Kyouka."

"No problem Izu, now let's head inside before you try to give the ground a hug again," Kyouka chuckled as she walked ahead of them, completely aware of the playful glare he was sending her.

"Come on Papa!" Eri said as she pulled her father towards the door and after the retreating form of her mother, "Where gonna be late!"

The writing exam was relatively easy enough, though Izuku did get some confused looks from the other examinees when he walked in with Eri, Eri just sat happily next to the examiner and filled in a coloring book.

The duo eventually met up back with Kyouka for lunch and she look like she wanted to die as her head hit the table, "This is illegal torture and I do not appreciate it," She groaned.

Izuku chuckled nervously as he two though that the test was difficult as he patted his girlfriend on the back as they enjoyed their lunch, well Kyouka and Eri whereas Izuku was just slowly eating and looking around the dining hall.

They noticed this and so Eri asked, "Papa, what's wrong?"

Izuku was hesitant to answer but reluctantly did, "It's just… I know that I'm better off that he's not here but Bakugo had always yelled about how 'I'm going to destroy the U.A. exam', so to not see him here is just… unnerving. I feel like I've got a punch to the back of my head any second now."

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