Chapter 20

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"So, if you divide X by-" Ectoplasm explained as he wrote the mathematics on the board, some in the class listened to what the math teacher had to say while others seemed to just check out of reality.

Izuku was writing in his notebook while trying not to laugh at his daughter, despite having work for her age Eri tried to follow along with Ectoplasm's lesson but ultimately rested her head on the desk with smoke seeming to be coming from her head.

He shook his head fondly as he concentrated on what U.A.'s math teacher was saying, just after the explosion was over the school's bell rang signaling the start of lunch, "Well, that's lunch everyone, remember to head straight to the locker rooms and change into your hero costumes after lunch, then head down to the train site for your lesson."

"Oh, before I forget," The cement hero continued while everyone started packing their things away, "Kayama, Jirou and Eri the principal has requested your presence."

Izuku and Kyouka looked at each other confused before picking up their currently brain dead daughter and taking their cases that held their hero costumes while walking towards Nezu's office, along the way they discussed why they were called in the first place.

"What do you think this is about?" Izuku asked, while adjusting his grip to hold Eri better, "Think we might be in trouble?"

"For what happened yesterday with you and that Gen Ed kid, maybe, for me and Eri however I don't know," The purple-haired girl hummed, "Maybe it's something to do with Eri in today's exercise?"


They approached the doors that lead into the principal's office and just like always it made those that approach want to run the other way, stealing their nerves they knocked and the Principal's voice called from behind them, "Come In!"

Entering they saw Nezu typing away on his computer before he stopped and looked at the three of them, "Ah! Just the humans I wanted to see!"

"Hi Uncle Nezu!" Eri said as she squirmed out of her father's grasp and gave the Principal a hug, one he gladly returned despite the memories it brought back.

"Good afternoon Nezu, sir," Kyouka said before asking a question from the last time they were in the Chimera's office, "How's the whole plan on making our Daughter the… Queen of America going?"

"I've decided to give up on that decision," Nezu explained with a wave of his paw as he went back to typing way on the computer, "The recent escapade with Florida attacking New York alongside them and Ohio doing whatever they did yesterday to vanish from reality made me second guess given her that country."

"There are other enticing places to give her, like the United Kingdom! Since the second successful Fawkes bombing of parliament and the deaths of the Royal family it would make it easier," He explained further with his grin getting bigger, "There's also Italy, maybe New Zealand, but nothing is really sticking right now."

He knew he was going to regret what he was about to say, he didn't even know why he was going to say it, but Izuku turned to the principal and said, "Well, when you eventually take over the world, why not make Eri your successor?"

Nezu paused for a moment with his paws hovering just about the keyboard before he burst into his insane laughter, "HAHAHA! Why didn't I think of that! I'm not going to live forever and my empire will need a new ruler when I'm gone! Brilliant Kayama! Brilliant!"

"Izu, what the fuck have you done," Kyouka muttered just loud enough for Izuku to hear while the boy in question was now wishing he had Hagakure's Quirk instead, coughing into her hand to get the Principles attention again she asked him, "Why did you call us here sir?"

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