Chapter 17

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The sound of a gun being fired echoed across the U.S.J. with those near it as silent as a grave while they looked at the source, Momo Yaoyorozu stood there with the smoking barrel of a Smith & Wesson Model five hundred revolver pointed straight at Shigaraki's head.

Fortunately for the decaying villain his pet Nomu dropped the battered Pro Hero to take the bullet for him, unfortunately for the abomination said round blew a chunk of its head off but not enough to kill it which was good as it would have killed its master.

Izuku and Kyouka looked at the ravenette with shocked expressions as they did not expect her to do that, nor where they expecting the scowl she wore that really did not belong on her face.

"Get. Away. From. MY FRIENDS!" She screamed as she shot the Nomu again blowing another chunk off its face with its right eye, this provided a perfect distraction for Kyouka to send her jacks to her boots and blast the villain with a sonic blast.

Shigaraki went flying from the attack making his monster to run after him to catch him, he held his hands over his bleeding ears as he tried to reorient himself. Izuku, Momo and Kyouka stood from their spot with the couple looking at Momo, "Since when do you use guns?" Izuku asked.

"Mother and Father have taken me to the shooting range ever since I was a little girl," Momo said, "It was also how they released their stress from dealing with other snobbish high class families."

Izuku nodded as his attention went back to the Nomu, where Momo had blown off its eye he saw it regenerating the parts and bullet holes it had sustained, "I think that thing has regeneration."

"Good, that means I don't need to use this," The Yaoyorozu heiress said with a polite smile as she made sure the pistol could not be used again before throwing it away and started creating something new from her stomach, after a moment a full Minigun was produced with the ammo belt connected to her, "It also means I can alleviate some of my own stress."

Shigaraki growled at the tree of them and barked the order for Nomu to kill them, though it was slowed down due to it being riddled with bullets by Momo.

While the monster was distracted Izuku and Kyouka went to deal with Shigaraki and Kurogiri, the purplette fired another sonic blast at the purple mist villain to disorientate him while the greenette ducked and weaved between Shigaraki's attempts to grab him.

"Stay still brat!" Shigaraki yelled as Izuku ducked under another swipe before delivering an uppercut to his chin, the villain staggered back from the blow but not before grabbing Izuku's mask and decaying it to dust.

Now without his mask Izuku swept the legs from under Shigaraki and kicked him in the face, "Eri designed that mask asshole!"

The greenette jumped back when the villain tried to grab his leg but this gave Shigaraki enough time to stand back up, with a final dash from Izuku he extended his hand and plunged his needle glove into the villain's chest causing the fear toxin inside to be injected into the light blue haired villain.

Immediately the effects of the token took hold and showed Shigaraki everything that he feared including the stuff that he represented, he started hyperventilating as his eyes started dilating before looking at Izuku and lunged to kill the greenette as saw his father standing in his place.

Before he could even touch the greenette the decaying villain was wrapped up in a very long tongue and flung into the air.

"INDISCRIMINATE SHOCK! ONE POINT THREE MILLION VOLT DISCHARGE!" Another voice yelled with a bolt of electricity zapping the poor villain, Izuku looked over to where he heard the voice and saw Tsuyu, Mineta and Kaminari had just landed near the shoreline though the little pervert wasn't moving.

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