Chapter 15

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The next day class was in session and everyone was wondering what they would be learning today, all that anyone knew was that it was something to do with the bus that was outside the school sometime in the afternoon.

This gave everyone a chance to relax for a bit before they had to leave, Izuku was sitting on the couch when from the corner of his eye he saw Mina and Denki trying to sneak upstairs.

"Did you two do the dishes like I asked?" He called out to them, giving them pause as they were just caught, receiving no reply and assuming that they didn't so he asked a different question, "Did you at least do your homework?"

The two looked at each other before looking at the stairs planning to run, Izuku saw this and looked at them fully, "Don't even think about it."

His first warning was unheard as they put one foot on the first step, Izuku stood up and took off his shoes to point one of them at the two, "I will send you to Jesus," This threat was unheard as the two quickly tried to flee up the stairs.

Sadly for them Izuku was faster as he launched his first shoe at Denki and the second at Mina, they connected to the back of their heads causing them to stumble and fall face first to the floor. He picked them up and dropped them in one of the corners of the room and left them there to serve their punishment, those in the room watched this and shook their heads at the two idiots.

"You'd think they'd learned from the last time," Uraraka said as she sighed.

Sero kept quite as he watched the scene unfold and also saw Izuku walk over to Tsuyu to help her with a piece of homework that she was struggling with, he thought for a moment before asking what felt like a dumb question, "Is it me or dose Kayama kinda act like a Dad?"

They looked at the tape user with deadpan expressions so Sero quickly amended what he meant, "I don't just mean Eri, I mean he acts like a Dad to us! When we have problems with homework he's always there to help, if we are upset he's the first to comfort us, he cooks for us, he set up a chore schedule, hell I've seen him play catch with Koda!"

"Now that you say it he does do that alot," Ochako said.

"That's because of Eri," Kyouka explained as she was flipping through some TV channels, "Due to how long he had to raise her by himself he can't switch off 'Dad mode' as I call it."

"So he's always in Dad Mode?" Toru asked, receiving a nod from Kyouka she thought for a moment before saying, "All in favor of Kayama being dubbed 'Class Dad' say aye!"

"WHAT!?" Izuku yelled with a red face.

"Aye!" Most of the class yelled with teasing grins.

"All opposed?" Toru asked, knowing who would say no.


"The aye's haven't it!" There was laughter from everyone and it got worse when Izuku bashed his head into the wall, giving up he threw his hands up into the air and went back to his room to sulk.

Seeing the perfect opportunity to tease Mina yelled, "DADD-!"

"You are not calling him Daddy," Kyouka quickly shot her down.

"Why? Because it's what you call him~?" Mina said with a playful glare but all she got was a Cheshire cat grin from the purplette, her eyes grew wide as she looked at her friend, "You don't call him that right? You're just fucking with me."

Kyouka didn't answer and just kept grinning, she stood up and walked up the stairs after her boyfriend. Mina looked to Uraraka and silently asked if she was being messed with, the brunette just shrugged not knowing either.

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