Chapter 5

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Ever since Hirooki joined Nemuri in teaching a few months back both Izuku and Eri things have gotten a bit more lively, for starters when Nemuri would go off course with her teaching her wife would always try to steer her back in the right direction, this happened so many times that Izuku and even Eri wondered how the R-Rated Hero became a teacher.

Granted when she did go off curriculum it was never anything lewd so Eri wouldn't get corrupted, which Izuku was grateful for because since she had to go to Aldera with him she already picked up some... less than savory language by most, mainly by a rabid blond, he really didn't want her picking up on the adult stuff just yet, he may be the girls father but he was not ready to have that conversation just yet with her... or ever if he was honest with himself.

During breaks they could all be seen chatting to each other, joking, telling stories like how Hirooki would sometimes talk about the times she worked with International Rescue on rare occasions much to Eri's joy. Izuku often embarrassed Eri in front of Hirooki at times too by telling her about the white haired girl's hero rescue shrine that she called her bedroom and even showed it to her.

His daughter kept hitting him in the chest and legs throughout the entire day because of this while pouting adorably, though Hirooki did feel honored that she had the most merchandise in the room and was clearly one, if not her most, of her favorite heroes.

When the breaks were over Hirooki took over the lessons and proved that her upbeat personality wasn't just a hero persona, she genuinely loved to teach and help people. Sometimes her and Izuku would go into discussions about support equipment which often got Nemuri to make comments saying, "And you say I go off track?"

This would, in turn, get responses form Hirooki where she would turn to her wife and say, "When I'm off track talking about other things it will actually help the students as heroes, yours would only help them if they are ever with a lover."

Nemuri would always huff and look the other way when this occurs but everyone knew it was in jest and no had any hard feelings.

Nemuri and Hirooki would also often spend their time now at the café as well, spending so much time Izuku was honestly close to offering them a job there.

Izuku's relationship with Kyouka had grown more as the days went on as well, the regular customers noticed this new change in the way Izuku and Kyouka interacted with each other and would often send them knowing smirks or a thumbs up.

Speaking of the two, they were sitting in Izuku's living room and cuddled up near the TV watching the latest news on International Rescue for Eri, who was sitting on the floor happily munching on some apple slices while doing so.

"Hey Izu?" Kyouka asked as she munched on some sweets.

"Yea Kyo? Is something wrong?"

"No," Kyouka shook her head before looking up at her boyfriend, "I was wondering if we should go on a date tomorrow."


"Yeah, the Café would be closed and mom and dad would love to spend more time with their new granddaughter," Kyouka smiled at Izuku, "So what do you say?"

"I think it's a wonderful Idea!" Izuku said, "We may not get the chance when U.A. rolls around! Where do you want to go?"

"Ow, don't worry about that green, I know just the place~" She said with a predatory smile, causing Izuku to gulp audibly.

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