Chapter 14

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It was a quiet Sunday for all in the 1A dorm's as every member of the class was doing something to pass the time, some stayed in their rooms while some socialized with each other and decided to go outside and touch some grass.

Izuku and Kyouka were in the kitchen making a recipe that they found online for peppermint patties, Izuku was excited that he could potentially make these himself and not have to buy them.

Eri meanwhile was sitting next to Kaminari, Tokoyami and Ibara as she played Minecraft with them, it had turned out that they technically already knew each other because they played on the same server together and were neighbors in the game.

Just as Izuku put the peppermints into the fridge everyone heard a high pitched scream coming from U.A., they looked outside to see Present Mic running from the school screaming his head off.

"DEMON GIRLS!!!" He screamed as he continued to run far from the school, followed shortly behind by Midnight, Thirteen, Vlad King and surprisingly Hound Dog who were also running like their lives depended on it with faces of fear.

Izuku looked to one of the school's windows and saw the Shining animatronics looking at the fleeing heroes with their lifeless eyes, he felt his phone buzz signifying that he had received a text. 

RatGod: These are the best gifts I've received in a very long time!

Izuku briefly wondered if it was a good Idea to let Nezu have those things, right when that thought entered his mind he received another text.

RatGod: Like you'd be able to stop me from getting them :)

'Mistakes might have been made,' Izuku thought as he pocketed his phone, when he and Kyouka turned around they saw a blushing Momo standing there looking a little embarrassed, "Everything okay Yaoyorozu?"

"Everything's fine Kayama it's just…" Her blush deepend, "I want to explore the local area but I don't know anything about it."

Izuku looked at Kyouka and nodded at each other before looking at the tall girl, "We can show you around if you want?" Kyouka said.

"Really?" The raveonette asked but when she received a nod from them she immediately brightened up and pulled the two into a hug, unintentionally smothering them, "Thank you so much!"

"N-No problem Yaoyorozu," Izuku said when she let them go again allowing them to catch their breaths, he looked at his daughter on the couch, "Where going out Eri, you wanna come?"

"No thanks Papa," Eri shook her head before pointing at Kaminari, Tokoyami and Ibara, "I wanna stay with Uncle Kami, Uncle Toko, Uncle Shadow and Auntie Ibara!"

Ibara froze for a moment before hugging the little unicorn child with all her might, to her it felt like an angel came down from heaven itself and told her she was doing a good job. The feathers around Tokoyami's cheeks ruffled a bit as he clutched his heart while saying, "How is it possible for her light to penetrate the eternal darkness."

Dark Shadow came out and hugged his new Niece just as hard as the vine haired girl, "Best, Niece, EVER!"

Kaminari just chuckled and ruffled his Niece's heart, Eri leaned into it and everyone could have sworn that they heard her start purring.

"Okay Eri just be good okay?" Kyouka said with a chuckle, taking her boyfriend's hand and walking to the door with Momo in tow.

"Bye Mama! Bye Papa!" Eri waved off before going back to playing with her Uncles' and Aunt.

Ibara looked at the clock on the wall and sighed, "I'm afraid I must leave shortly as well," Eri looked at Ibara in confusion so she continued, "My church is holding a charity event and I volunteered to help."

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