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All HP characters belong to J.K Rowling

"You don't need us to clean it I suppose?" Ragnok said. Anger could still be heard in his voice.

Scilla simply nod. Yes, she could feel blocks and compulsion on her. She also used inheritance test to find out who placed it on her.

Blocks and compulsion are completely useless on her though.

"Then I will get the vaults record and the property list." Ragnok went to leave the room.

Scilla closed her eyes and focused on getting all of the compulsions out of her body. It was a little painful, and Ragnok know she didn't want to be seen.

It took 15 minutes to clear all of the compulsions. She leaned back into her chair. Catching some breath.

5 minutes after, Ragnok went back with a stack of paper. Looking at the mountain of paper, Scilla sighed. She knew Ragnok would bring other work for her.

"This is your vaults record. It seems someone has been accessing your vaults." Ragnok slid a bunch of paper towards her.

Scilla read the information on the paper. It seems not only blocks and compulsions, Dumbledore also stole from her vaults.

There're few transactions made, like a hundred thousand galleons that went to his vaults monthly from the day the Potters died. Not only to his vault, but also Molly Weasley's private Vault.

'Huh. I guess the other Weasley don't know after all.' Scilla thought.

"I want all artifacts that was stolen from my vaults back. Make up some excuses. I don't want that old fool to realize I know the truth. For the money, let him keep it for now. But he will be prohibited from accessing any of my vaults." Ragnok wrote down her instructions.

"And the key?"

"Recall all of them. I want one though, Dumble stole it from me. And no one is allowed any acces except from me, or if they have permission from me. I'll lend them my necklace as a proof."

Ragnok nodded. Guess he will be busy after this. After all he's always the one who took care of the Death's Heir bank account.

He took out the new key, and snapped his finger. Two other key appear on his desk and he immediately destroy them.

"Is it possible to change my current magical guardian?"

Ragnok look at her and pondered for awhile. Then he nodded.

"It won't be easy, but possible. And since Dumbledore made himself your guardian illegally, we can take care of it. Who do you want it to be?"

"Severus Snape." Scilla said pointing at Snape's name.

"He's already known as a Death Eater. With your current status, it'll be almost impossible for him." He glanced at Snape's name.

Scilla thought about it for some time. There's no way she'll stay with those muggles. And Sirius, she need to catch a certain rat to free him. It'll take time. Andromeda is also a good choice. But she prefer Snape, she know how much he hates her father, so mostly he'll leave Scilla alone. (Oh how wrong that was.)

"Not if he takes his Lordship. Prince's one of the old family, they have power. Even if the ministry disagree, they won't take a chance of provoking him."

Ragnok understood. Not only Prince, but she also have lots of powerful houses in her control. What can the ministry do against her who holds too much power.

"James and Lily Potter left a will right?"

"Yes. It was already opened by Dumbledore. Do you want to see it?" Ragnok said his name with such distaste.

"No. I already heard it." Ragnok was surprised. After all how could she heard it when the only person who ever opened it was Dumbledore.

"Don't look at me like that. When you're staying at the Land of Dead surrounded by higher entities all day, you tend to find out lots of things others don't."

She leaned further and sipping at her new cup of tea.

"Snape probably don't know he's listed as my godfather. And knowing he turned to Dumbledore, I'm not surprise if he have compulsions on him. Let him hear the will, just him, and get him to take an inheritance test.

Dumbledore might redirect some of his letter though. So it's better to find other way to contact him."

Scilla waved a hand and a piece of parchment appear on her hand. She gave it to Ragnok without a care.

Ragnok who read it was furious.

"My medical record. It seems Snape is under the impression that I was spoiled rotten by my relatives. This can open his eyes." She said casually.

She grabbed some paper that listed her property. Some of them are in good condition while others, not so much.

"Can you send a team to clean up Peverell Cottage? The one I usually use. Take the fee from Valencia Vault." She's contemplating on hiring some house elfs.

They discussed other matter before finally dealing with the Potter's paperwork. There's a lot of paper to sign. Eventually Scilla gave up and told Ragnok to send the rest to her.

She finally left Gringotts by 3pm. The next destination was Twilfitt and Tatting. She bought a full custom wardrobe which will be send to her once done.

Luckily, Gringotts provide a card that work similarly to muggle credit card and a pouch that connected directly to her vaults.

She took out a handkerchief and transfigured it into a cloak. Even if she has her magic, she won't take a risk going to Knockturn Alley as a child, a little girl at that.

She know this place like the back of her hand. So without delaying any further, she went to a gloomy small shop.

The bell dinged the moment she entered the shop. An old man sat behind the store.


The old man who dozed off flinched and finally looked at his guest. A crazed smirk crept into his face.

"Ah. It's been too long since the last time someone called me that. It's been a while My Lady." He grinned recognizing his master.

Grisha was an immigrant. He's a wandmaker. Not many know of him. But Scilla know his true talent. No one can compare to his wand. And Scilla herself admit that. The downside of him is, he's insane.

She walked to him and raised her hand. Grisha understood this. He went to the back room and walked towards a glass case full of complex wards. A box sat inside.

He disabled the wards and reached for the box. He carried the box with such caution it looked like he was carrying an expensive artifact. He gave the box to Scilla carefully.

Scilla on the other hand looked both amused and irritated by how slow he is. She grabbed the box from his hand and opened it.

Inside the box laid a stunning wand. Fir and Pine wood was used for this wand. For the core, they used Horned-Serpent horn, Dementor cloak, and Thestral hair as the solid core. And Basilisk venom, Dark Phoenix tear, and her blood as the liquid core.

The wand was decorated with a ruby eyed snake wrapped on the handle. On top of the snake's head, Death's symbol was carved.

This was Scilla's wand. The one she always use in all of her lifetime.


Word Count : 1221


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