Herbology, Charms, and History

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All HP characters belong to J.K Rowling

The first class for Slytherin was Herbology. Draco and Scilla was the first one to arrive.

They sat at the back together. Draco grabbed Scilla's arm gently and lifted the sleeve.

As expected, a red mark was left on her wrist. Draco gritted his teeth. He was pissed.

"I'm fine, Dray. No need to worry. It'll disappear soon enough." Scilla hold her brother's hand.

Draco just sighed and let it go. It's a good thing they don't have any class with Gryffindor that day.


Scilla looked around the greenhouse. Since this was their first class, they use the one that doesn't have any dangerous plants. It was beautiful but still can't compare to her garden.

Scilla is always the nature type. So being in the greenhouse was calming for her. Not as calming as her garden, but good enough.

That reminds her to go visit her garden later.


Soon, the rest of Slytherin and Ravenclaw first year came filling in the greenhouse.

Professor Pomona Sprout, was a really nice lady with short curly gray hair. As expected of a Hufflepuff, she's really kind and doesn't looked at the Slytherin students with judging eyes.

The class was mostly fun for Scilla. Even though they didn't touch any of the plants yet. It was mostly just introducing the first years to some of the plants in that greenhouse.

Draco on the other hand, looked at the dirt in contempt. He really hate to get dirty.

After the class was over, they went to their next class which was Charms. A fifth year student already waited for them to lead the way.

"I don't understand, what's so fun with playing dirt?" Draco grumbled.

Scilla punched his arm lightly.

"It's not playing with dirt, Dray! Don't be a prat." Scilla huffed.

Scilla pouted and went ahead of them. Draco looked at her guilty. He shook his head and ran after her.

He kept apologizing all the way to Charms class. Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and Theo looked at the two amused while Scilla ignored her brother.

They didn't notice, a pair of red eyes watching the raven head from the shadows.


"Quirinusss, keep an eye on Potter."

"Yes, Master."


Charms class was boring for Scilla. They didn't do any spell and just learns the theory. Again, they shared class with the Ravenclaws.

For Scilla who lived for a long time and had invented many spell herself, this class was boring.

Professor Filius Flitwick, was a part-goblin wizard that taught their charms class. He was also the head of Ravenclaw house.

He was kind and kind of funny. Scilla felt that she will like him. Not the class though.

Professor Flitwick explained the theory of a levitating spell.


Finally the class ended. Blaise, Pansy and the others went ahead to the great hall for lunch.

Scilla planned to visit the founder. But convincing Draco to go ahead was quite difficult.

"Draco, you know I don't need to eat. I'm just going to the library." Scilla sighed.

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