Buckbeak And Boggart

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All HP characters belong to J.K Rowling

CoMC went as good as it can be. Hagrid introduced them to Buckbeak, a Hippogriff. Scilla was itching to touch the beautiful creatures.

Of course, she has seen a hippogriff before. After all she have Newt Scamander as an older brother. Newt and her always have a fascination towards magical creatures.

"Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do. Right then, who wants ter come an' say hello?"

The entire class steps back, leaving Scilla, who was still looking at the Hippogriff, in front.

"Good, Scilla." Hagrid exclaim proudly, snapping Scilla back to reality.

She glanced back at her fellow students who were a few paces back, eyebrow raised. She shrugged her shoulder and approach Hagrid and Buckbeak.

"That's it. Easy now... Stop! This here's Buckbeak, Scilla. Yeh want ter let 'im make the firs' move. It's polite, see? Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready?"

Scilla stood in front of Buckbeak and bows. Buckbeak's eagle eyes studying Scilla cannily. Scilla waits.

Finally, Buckbeak bows his head down and Scilla grinned at him.

"Well done, Scilla! Go on. Give 'im a pat."

Scilla skips happily and pats the hippogriff who leans to her touch.

"Hello there, handsome." Scilla cooed.

Hagrid watched the two with a soft smile. He clapped his hands once,

"Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'im."

"Really? Can I?" Scilla' s eyes were sparkling.

Hagrid helped Scilla up and set her down on Buckbeak's back. He then slaps Buckbeak's hindquarters.

Buckbeak gallops forward, giant wings unfold, huge and powerful. And they soar into the air. Scilla laughed happily. Reminiscing the old times when she would fly on hippogriff's back with Newt.

Buckbeak flew circling the Whomping Willow, past the castle, and then swooping down over the Black Lake. The giant squid waved one of its tentacles at the two.

Hagrid whistles then, and Buckbeak flew back towards the class, galloping to a halt. Everyone cheers and surround Scilla. Except for a certain red head.

Ron pushes past them roughly, striding towards Buckbeak.

"Give me a go at that thing. If Scilla can do it, it must be easy. You're not dangerous at all, you ugly-"

"Ron! No!"

I'm a flash, Buckbeak's talons slash down. Ron freezes and looks down at the blood blossoming on his arm. He shrieks and clutched at his hand.

Scilla rushed forward and calmed the agitated hippogriff down.

"Easy there, boy. Easy. It's alright." Buckbeak's calms down and bows his head at Scilla.

The class dismissed when Hagrid pick up Ron and brought him to the medical wing.


"Hey, Dray."

"Yeah, Scil?"

"Don't we have DADA class? What time is it?"

Draco halted his movement. Hands halfway to his mouth, holding a pumpkin pasty. Glancing slowly at his sister.

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