Samhain and Potter

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It was finally October 31. Scilla decided to stay with Severus. She didn't have much attachment to her biological parent in this life, unlike the three adults in her current life.

Nothing need to be said. She didn't bother to try to cheer her dad up. She was pretty sure he still blame himself for Lily's death. So she just kept quite and stay near him, letting him know that she will always be there.

They stay confined in Severus' room until dinner. Away from those bunch of dunderheads, he said.

When it's almost dinner, Scilla went and regroup with her friends. Draco didn't say anything and just stayed beside her.

The great hall was decorated with flying carved pumpkin. All kinds of candies and sweets spread out on the table.

Scilla loved sweets, but even she was horrified by that much unhealthy foods on the table.

She glanced at the Gryffindor table, the twins.

'Poor Prof. Mcgonagall. The twins on sugar rush will be hell.' She shuddered.

They took their seat and Scilla grabbed the one that has the least sugar.

"How unhealthy, this holiday is." She whispers to Draco who couldn't help but agree.

Like usual, the Slytherin table was the most peaceful, while the Gryffindor table was the loudest.

It went alright until the great hall door was burst open.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" Quirrell burst in. Silence enveloped the great hall.

"Thought you ought to know." He continued before fainting.

In that instant, the great hall was erupted in chaos. The professors was trying to calm the student down.

"SILEEENNCEEE!!" Dumbledore shout. The students stop what they're doing.

"Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." He continued.

Scilla stood up and looked at Dumbledore.

"If you forgot, Headmaster, the Slytherin and Hufflepuff's dormitories are in the dungeon." Scilla said accusingly.

Both the Slytherin and Hufflepuff prefects looked at their head of house.

"Right, Hufflepuff and Slytherin stay in the great hall. Lock the doors. The professors will come to get you soon." He said before leaving.

The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw went to their own house.

Scilla, inwardly smirked at that.

She silently cast a muffliato and looked at the unconscious professor.

~What are you doing?~ She easily slipped into parseltongue.

Quirrell stirred awake and look around. He stood up and left.

Draco glanced at her, wondering who she was talking to. Scilla shrugged and continued to eat her cake.

The prefects and older years kept their wand pointed at the door.

Mountain troll is barely a threat for her. True they're quite strong, but they're also incredibly dumb.

Soon enough, the door was opened. They almost fire a spell before they saw it was Prof. Sprout and Prof. Mcgonagall.

They let out a breath of relief, before gathered with their house and went out to their own dormitories.

Scilla went with the Slytherin before she saw Quirrell hidden from sight. They locked eyes and he motioned for Scilla to follow him.

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