I Have To

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All HP characters belong to J.K Rowling

The following few weeks with a changed Scilla was, simply to say, frustrating for her friends group and her family. Scilla spent most of her time with the Gryffindors, and the now informed Sirius, who Severus had to remind countless time to not let Dumbledore know that they're aware of what happened to Scilla. Severus, somehow managed to confirm Blaise's theory about Scilla being under control. He had yet to find what it was, it seems to act like imperius and yet it also seems to be more powerful, since it managed to affect Scilla.

Severus had to, unfortunately, informed the Dark Lord of Scilla's current situation when he demanded an answer as to why Scilla didn't send any letter. It's enough to say that the Dark Lord was ready to barge into Hogwarts if it was not for Lucius and Barty who risk several years of their life to stop him.

Draco and the others kept attempting to remind Scilla of their past memories, hoping that it might stimulate the real Scilla to come back. Though it was done mostly by the Weasley twins and Neville, since Scilla avoided the Slytherins like a plague. Sometimes, they noticed, Scilla does seem to gain a clarity in her eyes before it was completely overshadowed the next moment. One other thing the adults noticed, is that Scilla doesn't seem to be able to see James and Lily who stayed to keep an eye on her.

With Scilla now completely under Dumbledore's control in the castle, they could only wait until Christmas holiday, where they would do every method necessary to bring Scilla back home and hopefully undo whatever it is Dumbledore put on her.

Sirius decided to stay with Scilla full time on Hogwarts due to two incidents. The first one, due to Scilla's changed behaviour, she goes against Umbridge every words, thus landing her on detention with said woman. She didn't say anything once she gets out of detention but Sirius could see something is bothering her. She would occasionally rub her left hand with a frown. Though she always assured him that she was fine, Sirius know better.

The second incident happened in the middle of November where Sirius, still feeling furious even until this moment, found Scilla and Ron in one of the alcoves in Hogwarts. With Ron caging Scilla against the wall and kissed her. Sirius was furious especially after seeing the blank empty look on Scilla who is not even resisting. Sirius had the urge to bit the boy's head off. But he resist and ended up scratching him instead. He tugged Scilla away, leaving the overly dramatic wailing boy alone.

Let's just say that later on, Ron ended up with more than a scratch on his arm when the Weasley twins know about this fact. Of course their mother was not happy knowing her youngest beloved son got hit by his brothers, but who are they to care about what their mother thinks.

In all honesty, all of them couldn't wait until the holiday come.


On the morning of Christmas holiday, Sirius had basically kidnap Scilla and send her home through Severus' floo. The barely awake Scilla haven't even gain full consciousness to resist Sirius. The Hogwarts rule stated all students who decide to come home for the holiday must take the Hogwarts Express, but they decided to risk it because knowing Dumbledore, he'll probably make Scilla stay for Christmas.

So when she's finally awake, Scilla found herself in her own room back in the Prince Manor. All windows and door are locked and anti apparation cast on her room. Scilla blinks in confusion looking at Sirius questioningly.

"Sorry, Pup. Just wait here for a bit okay. We have a surprise for you. You can still sleep some more." Sirius said, ushering Scilla to her bed.

Sirius noticed that Scilla doesn't seem to notice the anti-apparation ward on her room. Which, knowing the real Scilla, is impossible for her to not notice the ward. But this help in their favor, so Sirius decided to let Scilla get more sleep, since she's not much of a morning person.

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