(Warning: Violence, Death, Gore)
All HP characters belong to J.K Rowling
_____________________________Scilla glanced at the nearby castle and to the forbidden forest. Making a quick decision, she immediately made her way towards the forbidden forest. Occasionally dodging and deflecting the spells thrown at her. There's nothing light about those spells.
Mort was in their crow form and flying above, following their heir in worry. Scilla easily weaved her way through the thick forest, avoiding any branches or rocks that stood in her way.
She stopped at the clearing once they were far enough from the castle. Her pursuers stopped a distance away. The howling of the wolves and rustling of the leaves made this place so eerie.
The moonlight shone past the tall trees, giving her light source to finally see her pursuers. They are indeed familiar faces of death eaters, though she couldn't remember any of their name. They are a bunch if outer circle death eaters. She remembered seeing their files in Marvolo's office. She had no idea how Marvolo kept a list of his death eaters when he wasn't even sane at the time. From what she saw, there are 10 of them.
Scilla stepped aside when another killing curse was shot her way. She swiftly took out her wand, one she had Grisha kept safe. Sending a diffindo to test the water.
She send a bombarda to the trees near them, causing the tree to fall their way. They managed to dodge and stop the tree. Blasting the tree into smithereens.
Scilla used the smoke caused by the explosion and took out her daggers, zooming to the unaware death eaters with an impossible speed and stabbed one of them in the neck. Said death eater grabbed his neck and died on the spot.
Once again using his vampiric speed, Scilla speeds towards another and grabbed him by the throat, slamming him on a tree. She was tempted to rip out his heart, but that will be too messy. So she throw him to a tree with a sharp branch. Impaling the man straight on his heart.
The death eaters looked at her in horror. They didn't think this girl was this strong. No.. she's not even human. That speed is not possible for a mere human. To think such a small girl is capable of such ruthless killing. She didn't even hesitate.
Under the shining moonlight, they could clearly see her blood red eyes gazing at them like a predator looking at its prey. A chill ran down their spine.
But they have come this far. Whatever it takes, they will kill this girl. They sent a barrage of spells towards the girl.
One sent a full body binding spell (petrificus totalus), two sent a confringo, another two sent a sectumsempra, one sent a killing curse, one sent a cruciatus, and one sent a fiendfyre. The spells came from all directions. Thinking that she will at least get hit by one spells, they grin maliciously.
Scilla shows a lazy smirk and disappears from the center. The spells hit each other, causing a big explosion. Thanks to the barrier that Mort made, no one other than them notices their fight despite the big explosion and fire.
Amidst the smoke, a cut scream could be heard. Again and again. Scilla easily moved within the smoke and killed three of them. Grabbing one and snapping their neck. Another one, she impaled their heart with her dagger. And another one with a close range expulso. Exploding them into pieces.
These death eaters were helpless against her. Scilla stalked through the smoke and shadow of the night and grabbed another one, casting an imperio to send a killing curse to their friend before killing themselves.
It's rare for her to have a time where she can be as ruthless as she wants like this. So this is quite fun for her. She can finally let her vampiric side take over.

Lady Mortem || Harry Potter Fanfiction
Fanfiction"What the hell, Riddle?!"-S.L.P "Love is a useless emotion. It makes you weak. But I don't mind feeling that fucking emotion if it's you."- T.M.R _________________ She has many name. Many lives. She's a Mortem. Also known as Death's Heir. Once s...