Find Her

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All HP characters belong to J.K Rowling

A horrified shriek came breaking the stunned silence. Sirius, managing to break free from Remus grabbed the dazed Scilla, wrapping his arms around her tightly, glaring heatedly at the Dark Lord. Scilla on the other hand, was in a daze, fingers unconsciously reaching her lips.

"How dare you touch my baby! Scilla, pup, are you okay?!"

Remus face-palm at his lover's antics. Although he wasn't sure why he's surprised at the Dark Lord's actions either, he knew this was coming sooner or later. But it still feels bitter knowing his, their, daughter is being coveted. By a Dark Lord, nonetheless.


"No, Moony! How dare that evil snake lord do that to my baby! Begone you evil snake! Not you pup, you're a good snake." Sirius says, keeping Scilla tightly within his arms, like a guard dog.

"This is ridiculous." Snape sighed.

"Agreed." Lucius nodded, warily watching at his Lord's expression.

Marvolo didn't seem to hear Sirius' protest, choosing to observe Scilla instead. The fog surrounding the girl seems to recede a little bit, though it's still covered her whole. He poured some of his own magic into her when he kissed the girl. And he could feel his magic attempting to overpower that green fog.

It was then that a black cat seems to jump out of thin air, standing before Scilla. The moment Scilla glanced at the cat, she groaned while holding her head tightly and crouching down. She whimpers in pain.

Marvolo points his wand at the cat, ready to cast a spell, when the cat suddenly turns to him then to Lucius. It opened its mouth and began to speak.

"Open your ward, human."

"Who are you?" Marvolo demands.

"I am Death."

Marvolo was stunned for a moment. This is the one being he fears most. Once again glancing at the ravenette, Marvolo lowers down his wand.

"Open your ward, Lucius." Marvolo orders. Lucius, though a bit skeptical, lower downs the wards surrounding his manor.

In less than 10 second, a crackling sound of apparation was heard. Two figures arrived within the Malfoy Manor, both men in, what appears to be, mid twenties. The shorter one has a jet black hair, while the other has blonde hair.

The black haired man immediately rushed towards Scilla in worry. He said something in a language unknown to even Marvolo. The other people in the room notices the way his eyes turned golden as he chants, his hand hovering above Scilla's head was glowing.

"Who are you?" Severus asked, worried about his whimpering daughter in the hand of an unknown man.

"We are here to help. You don't have to be on guard against us. That's Merlin," The blonde points towards the black haired man.

"I'm Arthur. Arthur Pendragon." He finishes.

The room once again was enveloped in a stunned silence as they tried to process the fact that the greatest wizard of all time and the great King Arthur was standing in the same room as them. Sirius has his jaw dropped open, while Remus eyes slightly widen. The other 3 men had their mask on, even though they were quite shaken. Marvolo, however, doesn't seem to care as his eyes never strayed from Scilla's small figure.

"Merlin, how is she?" Arthur asked, placing one hand on Merlin's shoulder in an attempt to calm him.

Merlin shook his head slowly, beads of sweat covered his forehead while he kept chanting in that strange language.

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