Chapter Six

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Akito and Jisoo arrived soon at the pond and he gestured her to a nearby table so she could sit down. The table and the two chairs stood in the shadow of a large tree and they looked as if they were solely prepared for this cause. They were close enough to be able to watch everything what was happening on the pond but not to close so you had to worry to fall in. It was almost too much of a coincidence for this set up location to exist, except in the palace was someone who consequently watched the pond with a guest.

"Would you like to have refreshments or snacks?" Akito asked as he pulled the chair out for Jisoo. "Oh this would be lovely." She replied and sat down on the chair he pulled out. After sitting down on the other chair and gesturing to a nearby maid, he leaned on the table and watched her with a grin and without a lot of words. His intense gaze made her nervous and flush. The silence didn't kept on for to long since the refreshments were bought and placed on the table.

Jisoo nipped on her tea and peaked to the pond. Two humming birds were floating around the water roses. Their movements looked as if they were dancing with another. Going up and down, back and forth, poking their beaks into the flowers here and then. She was mesmerized by the birds and the peaceful silence of the garden. As she turned her head back after a few minutes she noticed that the younger Duke was resting his chin on his palm and was watching her with an affectionate smile. She couldn't help and blush more at the sight of him.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the view." he said after correcting his position. "You're enjoying the view apparently too." She replied a bit thoughtless and covered then her mouth in embarrassment. A little surprised by this bold answer he lost his smile for a split of a second but it returned quickly again with a soft scoff. "Oh yes, I was really enjoying the view. And I'm really curious to know now what else you might like besides birds." She thought for a moment at this question. While thinking for her likes in foods or activities she lost her nervousness and soon they were having a relaxed conversation about the simplest things. Both were really pleased with the way of their conversation and the afternoon passed quickly.

After being left alone again, Lilith sighed. She didn't know for what business she was called in since the invitation didn't said this much and now she was even separated from her friend. She obviously couldn't attend the private time of her and the Prince but still. The girl stood up and stared at some books on a shelf to pass her boredom as an closer coming tumult from outside the door got her attention. Between some deep voices, probably the butlers, was a lighter female voice heard which seemed to be highly disagreeing with the butler.

Curiosity got her and Lilith opened the door a gap and peeked out into the hall. At this point not only the butler was standing there but also a few other employees who tried to calm a woman. She had strong and bright red hair and wore the newest trend of clothes. From what Lilith could make out she tried to pass the butler but he did his best to stop her and wanted to lead her to the waiting room as well.

"Please Lady.." "No I don't want to wait today! I have waited the day before for hours and the Prince didn't showed up at all!" "I-I apologize but you mustn't.." "Get out of my way now, don't you know who I am?"

Lilith pondered where she had seen the red hair before and the conclusion hit her to the same time as the enraged dark blue eye locked with her own. Lady Sayiumi Peres, the daughter of Marquess Peres who owned the most famous fashion boutiques. She was always dressed with the most beautiful and expensive clothes and quite a few men tried to curt her.

"Who is that." She abruptly stopped her tantrum after noticing the purple girl and rudely questioned the butler who was left dumbfounded by it. "Lady Peres.. This is.. " he stuttered nervous and Lilith opened now the door fully to introduce herself. "My name is Lilith Arden." "Why is she here?" She asked directed toward the butler as if Lilith wouldn't stand right in front of her. "She was invited by the Prince, Lady Peres.." the nervousness got the poor man. Or was it even fear?
"What! The Prince invited such a no-name noble but not me!" Sayiumi's tongue was sharp and the attitude of her mad Lilith sick.

The redhead stepped closer to her after passing the sweating butler and eyes her from head to toe. "This dress is the fore last collection. And your jewellery doesn't suit each other. I have never seen an unshaped pedant like this. You must be really brave to visit the Palace like this." It wasn't a question but an insult. It really made Lilith sick to listen to such a rude person. She never met anyone like her before and could understand why they wouldn't let her visit the Prince.

"At least I was invited to the Palace unlike someone else." The retoure was short but effective. "How dare-" Sayiumi's eyes began to flame in anger and her hand rose with the intention to slap the mage. The surrounding employees panicked at the sight but no one could stop her. A loud slap echoed through the hall which fell absolutely silent. Against the exception of Lady Peres, Lilith didn't backed away from the slap. She stood there proudly like before and caught the hit almost graceful.

"Violence is such an unsophisticated way to express emotions for a noble Lady." Again she hit a raw spot what made Sayiumi tremble in anger. Right at this moment Royal guards appeared which were called by one of the maids. It was time for her to retread so she turned on her heel and left the Palace on her own before the guards would drag her outside. "This won't be out last meeting." Sai called over her shoulder and stomped out without another glance.

As the villainess was finally gone the servants started to apologize in panic but Lilith reassured them she was fine, not wanting to cause another scene. Nevertheless the butler felt really bad for what had happened and offered her for a change of space for her wait and so she chose to be brought to the library. If she had to wait longer, why not snooping into the royal library? It held a lot of books which where off limited.

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