Chapter 2

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Thanks for all the support already. You guys are awesome. Onto the chapter :D

Enderlox's POV

I woke up from my sleep, to see a girl about the age of 16, walking through the forest. She is holding a basket with a bag hanging on one shoulder. My stomach growls telling me it is time to eat. I guess this girl is going to be my next victim. And delicious meal.

I stand up being quiet but failing, making leaves rustle and a branch snap as I stretch my wings. She looks around shocked but relaxes and continues on walking. I creep onto a branch in front of her getting ready to pounce, when suddenly she is pulled up by a rope trap, dropping all her items. I smirk evilly. These traps make everything easier. She starts struggling at the rope.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I cackle at the struggling girl I caught. "And just in time for my dinner."

She struggled even more at this trying to get the rope off. "Look at me." I demand getting ready for the kill, flexing my claws. Slowly she looks up at me through her tangled, beautiful (h/c)... No snap out of it, you need to eat.

I lunge at her, getting ready to grab her with my claws but at the last moment her foot slips out of the rope and she falls to the ground. I quickly spread my wings and fly to the closest tree. "You're a clever one, not for long."

I jump and fly towards the girl, forcing her against a tree (don't get thoughts). "W-who are y-you?" She stutters. I didn't know she could talk. "Oh we can talk can we." I snap at the girl. "My name is no use to you."

I place my claws on her neck lifting her up. She lifts a gold sword from behind her back that looks oddly familiar, yet I can't get an idea of what it was. She was one of Sky's guards.

"One of Sky's guards are we? This is going to be a good meal." I hiss.
"N-no I'm n-not one of S-sky's g-guards." This surprises me but I don't let go of her.
"Well that's disappointing, still, I get to eat." I'm really hungry now. I bare my fangs getting ready for the kill, when her next words stop me.

"I-I'm one of D-deadlox's g-guards."
"R-really?" I say stuttering. Did I almost kill one of my own guards?
"Yes." She says, as I let go of her.

"I'm s-so sorry, I should've seen that."
"Why are you sorry?" She says looking into my eyes and I looked into hers.

How do I explain, explain this monster I have become. "It's because I was the one who gave you that sword." I say spreading my wings and flying away slightly, onto a tree sitting down.

I see her running up to my tree, looking at me. "Deadlox, is that you, after two years?"
"Is that how long I have been gone? Two years? And I don't go by Deadlox anymore." I correct her. "Call me, Enderlox."
"Oh, I can't wait to tell everyone you are still alive." She says jumping up and down excitedly, then running in the direction out of the forest.

I sat there thinking about what she said when reality hit me. She was going to tell everyone in the army base and that will eventually get to Sky. I jump off the branch spreading my wings and flying quickly through the green forest. Soon I am above her. I fly quicker and land in front of her, blocking the path with my wings. "You shall not tell anyone of me, ok?" I growl making her flinch.
"Ok. Can I tell Sky?"
"Oh hell no are you telling him!" I snap, flinching at that name of a betrayer.
"Why not?"
"Personal reasons." I finish, changing the subject. "Where do you live again?"

"Uh, on the edge of the forest." She replies and before she can react I grab her in my arms taking off into the night sky.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She yells at me.
"Taking you home."

~time skip of unicorns and butterfly's~

We arrive at her house and I let her go behind her house so I'm not seen. "Goodnight Enderlox." She says sleepily
"Goodnight, uh what's your name again? I forgot over the years."
"(Y/n)." (y/n) says.
"Well goodnight (y/n)." I say flying into the night sky and into the forest to look for a good meal.

Hi guys and i just want to say that the amount of reads on this already is amazing, and i only have uploaded these chapters. Wow, someone pinch me. No not really though. SO thats all I have to say.

Vote, comment, follow to join the flock to day and keep on chirpin. Byeee :D

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