Chapter 35

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Alison's POV

We separated from the kiss and I looked into his eyes, blushing like crazy. Jamie held my hand still looking into my eyes. His eyes are beautiful, the light emitting from my wings making them shine. "So Alison, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks and I smile.
"Yes I will." I reply cheerfully and hug him tightly.

"So, what now?" He asks giving me another kiss. "What do you want to do?"
I look at him and grin. I want to introduce him to Enderlox.

Enderlox's POV

We sat around the fire cooking the steaks that smelt delicious. I guess I am a really good cook, thought as I turned them again before sitting back down next to (y/n). She rested her head on my shoulder and I smiled. She is everything I could ever want and soon we will have a child of our own.

"And so now here I am. Sky is now my enemy, and I want to just kill him." I say finishing off explaining how I'm actually Deadlox, I still hate being called that though. Moss and Daniel were looking at me with wide eyes. "It's a lot to take in isn't it." I say to them.

"Yeah, but I guess it makes sense. You know, when (y/n) pulled out your shirt so we could find the right size for your suit, it was strange because only you have that type of shirt." Daniel says.
"I guess. You know, the shirt type I have now, I had when I ran from my old old village. They tried to kill me when they found out about me. I was only ten at the time." I say.

I remembered the event of my parents trying to kill me. My village chasing me down until I stumbled upon Sky's home. That was when I first met him but I thought he was going to kill me since he was armed on the night.

(Y/n) joined into the conversation. "You never told me you were also chased out of your home." Also? I looked at her with confusion.
"Also, why also?" I asked her in worry.

"I will tell you later." She said looking down but I took my hand and lifted her chin so she's looking at me.
"Tell me, please don't keep secrets. Please." She looked back over at Moss and Daniel.
"I'll tell you tomorrow. I don't feel comfortable talking about it with lots of people around." By lots of people I knew she meant Moss and Daniel. I nodded.

"It's ok, I understand. How about we-" before I could continue my dragon hearing kicked in, hearing two people getting close. They aren't too close but I can't be too careful. I growled and stood up looking in the direction of where I heard the voices.

"Ender, are you alright?" Moss asked.
"Yeah, I can just hear two people getting close. I need to go deal with them, I'll be right back." I spread my wings out being careful of the house and fire. "Oh, and the steaks are about done too."

With that I took off into the forest trying to find these two people. Where are you, I thought to myself as my eyes scanned the area. Just then the voices became audible and I could here their conversation. "Are you sure about this?" The first one asked, obviously male.
"Yes I'm sure about this, he'll be glad that you joined." The other replied. I could make out the second one who spoke was female.

I groaned. Another two. Just what I need on a day like this. Almost killed two of my wife's friends and now there are two other people in here. I growled as I flew over the top of them silently.

Before they knew what was happening, I landed on the girls shoulders causing her to scream out, letting go of the boys hand. Aww, how sweet, these two are a couple. I pushed the girl down into the snow as she continued to scream.

"Alison!" The boy yelled to the girl. Wait wait wait, Alison? Before I could register what was happening as I pinned Alison to the ground, her wings now out melting the snow around them, the boy punched me. The punch was so hard I was flung off her and was knocked into a tree.

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now