Chapter 25 Part Two

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Now to anyone reading this. Before you start reading comment right here who you think is going to win the war and who you think is going to die. Enjoy

Enderloxs POV

"We should get going now." I say. She looks at me and smiles slightly. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Now let's go do this." She cheers. I smile before she spreads her wings out and flys into the sky above us. I quickly follow behind her to the battle ground.

My army isn't that much but it's something. I called some enderman to gather an army. But the thing is with these enderman they won't die in sunlight or water. That's one of the advantages we have.

We soon see the two army's facing each other. We land in front of our army and I look over at Sky's army but I don't see him. Such a coward. Instead at the front I see a terrified Seto and Jason both holding their swords in a tight grip.

We yell things at each other before we charge. I fly up and (y/n) does the same. She holds her bow tight with an arrow at the ready. I look around as (y/n) flys off somewhere. The thing is with me, I'm only going to kill who attacks me first. Or even tries to at that.

Looking around some more, someone shoots an arrow at me but misses. I grin. My gaze meets the person who shot me and they look scared. Before they can react I dive down and crush them easily with my claws. Someone else rushes at me with a sword and iron armour but I knock them down and slit their throat. This is going to be interesting.

It goes on like this for hours. Someone attacks me, I kill them. Simple. Though I'm not sure how long it's been going on for but I don't care. I'm hoping Sky will come out and actually face me. But I've been hoping that for a while now and, nothing. I'm still hoping though.

I look around hungrily. I need to eat something and there are plenty possible meals here. I just need to wait until someone attacks me.

Alison's POV

This war is horrible. Bloody bodies were scattered everywhere, mostly from our side. Hardly any were from Enderloxs side. That scared me. I was afraid we were going to loose. We haven't lost a battle in ages. All of us fighting know that, well the ones who are alive that is.

Enderlox is looking around from where he is flying on his huge Enderdragon wings, blood covering his arms and hands. I'm scared to be killed, leaving (y/n) scared and depressed. But I know I can't back out.

I look up some more being careful of endermen. There I see something, more like someone. It flys over quickly but I easily take in it's features. And I recognise the figure. It's (y/n)! But how? She said she had to be with her fiancé. She lied to me. Why did she lie to me, her best friend. I ignore it and decide to ask her later.

Few minutes later I decide to take a risk. I grab an arrow from my quiver and notch it in the bow. I pull back the string and look at Enderlox. I aim carefully for his wing. He looks at me and I see him grin. I take a deep breath and let go of the arrow. I watch as it flys up towards him but misses his wing and lands in his shoulder. He growls in pain and I get another arrow ready and pull back the string.

Before I can release he dives down at me and grabs me in his claws. He flys back up pulling me with him. Pain increases in my arms where his claws dig in once again. I remember him almost killing me in the forest. I try to pull the string on my bow back but it doesn't work. He notices and stops fly and just hovers.

"We can't have this now can we." He hisses at me. He snatches my bow out of my hands and snaps it in half. I open my mouth to scream but he covers my mouth with his blood stained hand. The smell is horrible. I look down to see (y/n) holding my broken bow.

I pass out from blood loss and the smell.

Your POV

I look at Alison who was snatched up by Enderlox. She shot an arrow at him and now she's going to be killed. I can't let this happen, not like my nightmare I had. This time I won't just watch. I'll help my friend.

Enderlox snatches her bow from her hands and snaps it dropping it down. As it falls I catch the pieces of her bow. Her good one. He broke her bow and is going to kill her. I put the pieces of her hybrid bow in my quiver and I grab an arrow out.

I put it in my bow before flying up quickly to where Enderlox is now taking her. I fly up beside them and see Enderlox leaning in to bite. I aim my arrow carefully not releasing. "Stop and release her." I say getting his attention. He looked at me and moved his mouth away from where he was about to kill her.
"Why would I stop. I'm hungry and she attacked me." He snaps.
"Stop and release her or I'll release. Remember I never miss." I snap back.

"I already said, I'm hungry." He growls. I see Alison has passed out from the blood loss.
"Do you remember when you were back in the army with no wings? When battles came all the time. When you had me your favourite night guard and my friend your favourite day guard. And do you remember when my friend went into the forest and you almost killed her?" I asked him earning a slow confused nod. He still held Alison in his claws by her arms.

"What does this have to do with this girl I'm about to kill?" He asks confused and I can tell he's getting angry.
"Right now all of this is relating to my nightmare. Your hungry, you get someone not listening to me telling you not to kill her, your making her bleed and most of all your killing my friend. You promised you wouldn't kill any of my friends and I would like it if you kept that promise. So let go of my friend." I finish my explanation.

His eyes change from hunger and confusion to a sorry and apologetic look. He sheaths his claws holding her carefully now. "I'm so sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to hurt her. I didn't mean to hurt Alison. I'm sorry." I put my bow and arrow away, before he hands me Alison who's bleeding has slightly increased.

"You remembered her name." I said and a smile grew on my face. Though it didn't last long. "And the war is still going on. I know you want this to continue but without Sky it's pretty useless. You go call it off and I'll head home to help Alison out. When you get back I have to tell you something."

He sighs and gives in. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before he flys off over the battle field and I turn and fly Alison home as quick as I can. I can't wait to tell him what I have to tell him.

The wars over, no one really won, Alison was almost killed and you have something to tell Enderlox. Hmm I wander what that could be.

Enderlox: *follows you into room* what is it that you have to tell me (y/n)?

You: I'm not going to tell you. You have to wait *crosses arms*

Me: guys can't you see that I'm trying to do my outro?

Both: sorry

Me: and Enderlox she will tell you. You just have to wait til I update next week

Enderlox: fine

So, did any of you guess correctly? If so, well done. I have school in the morning. Help. And the wattys voting time is almost up. So vote for this. Again I'm not concerned if I don't win. I honestly don't have much to say.

Vote, comment, follow me to join the flock today and keep on chirpin my birds. Byee :D

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now