Chapter 19

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Your POV

We sat there for a while in silence. I liked sitting there with him. He had wrapped his tail around me bringing me closer as I rested my head on his shoulder. It was quiet but I didn't mind it. I looked up at where the sky was seen through the trees.

Then I realised. Work. I need to get to Jerome and Jason. "I've got to go." I say getting up.
"Where do you need to go?" Enderlox asks getting up with me.
"I need to go back. Otherwise they might think I'm dead since Jerome almost died and I'm still here."
"Oh right. When will I see you next?" He asks.

"Well I have time off work today since I had to do this so I'll see you here tonight. How about that?" I say remembering how my boss gave me time off today because of this.
"Sounds good. See you tonight." He says and I kiss his cheek.
"See you then." I say and put on my bracelet to hide my hybrid parts before running out of the forest.

I run out and reach my work base exhausted slightly from running. Alison sees me and comes over to me. "Are you alright?" She asks worriedly seeing me exhausted.
"Yeah. I just need to get to Jason and Jerome." I say panting.
"Ok. Wait why them?" She asks.
"I will explain later."

I see my boss coming up to me. "(Y/n) what are you doing here? Jason and Jerome aren't with you. Where are they?" He asks.
"They ran out about an hour ago." I say.
"I'm sure they must be at Sky Army by now then." I look at him as my eyes widen.
"I have just run from the haunted forest and now I have to run to Sky Army?"

"Well if you don't want them worrying you should get going now." I nod and begin running towards Sky Army. This is going to be exhausting.

Jason's POV

Jerome and I got back a while ago. He's woken up and has told Sky about how, Enderlox as I've learnt, has declared war. Sky's face when he heard the news was priceless. I couldn't stop laughing but I did when I realised that we are going to war.

I'm panicking because (y/n) has not come back yet. I'm fearing she's dead.
"She hasn't come out yet. I'm fearing she's dead." I say in worry. She was Tys favourite and it would be awful if she died.

"She survived it once. She might be at the Dead Army base or something." Sky says standing up. Mitch is sitting by Jerome who is being bandaged up and the rest of us are just sitting in random places in the room.
"We just need to be patient. She's a great fighter so I'm sure she'll be alright." Seto says looking up from his book.

-time skip-

We've been sitting here for a while now. I sat and thought of that hybrid that practically saved Jerome from being a meal to the other hybrid, who I'm guessing is Enderlox. "Seto, what do you know on hybrids?" I ask breaking the silence.
"Why you ask Jason?" He says confused.
"Well when we were in the forest some other hybrid attacked Enderlox letting me take Jerome out."
"What type was it do you think?" Seto asks flicking through his book.

"I don't really know. This one was a girl. She had dragon wings that were white and a light blue colour and her tail was white with light blue spikes. When I saw her eyes they were light blue dragon eyes."
Seto looked through his book some more obviously trying to find it. "I can't find anything. There isn't anything on the description you gave on it. Anything else you saw?"

"That was all I saw. The temperature dropped a slight bit when I saw her and she almost looked like an ice dragon hybrid of some sort."
"An ice dragon hybrid? Those are really rare, so rare we have no records of them but some people have seen them before. If you saw one that is really lucky." Seto says obviously remembering information on that pacific hybrid type. "I'm sure they're only a few left."

I felt happy about me seeing one. It felt really cool. In both ways too. "If we caught it we could..." Sky was interrupted by some one out of the room in the castle. Someone was yelling for another person to stop.

Sky got up and left the room and I followed close behind. We went down the hallway to see a guard chasing someone. "Get back here." The guard yelled. The person the guard was chasing was a girl and I recognised her instantly.
"(Y/n)!" I yelled out causing her to stop and the guard to catch her grabbing her arm. "Let her go." Sky yelled.

"But sir, she ran in here without permission." The guard said.
"Let her go. That is Dead Army's best night guard (y/n). We told her that she's allowed in here." Sky explained. The guard let go of her arm. "I'm sorry, just my instinct as a guard." The guard explained to (y/n).
"It's ok. I know the feeling." (Y/n) said and laughed.

"You can go now." Sky said addressing the guard. The guard left us and we turned to
"You survived. Can't believe you survived." I said as we lead her to where the others are in the hospital wing with Jerome.
"Well yeah but now I'm exhausted." She said. She does look really exhausted. "Haven't slept since yesterday before work."
"You can rest but first I think you'll need to tell Jerome your alright."

Your POV

They lead me into a room where the rest of TC were sitting with Jerome's shoulders bandaged up. Seto looked up from his book signalling for the others to me. When Jerome saw me he looked relieved. "Hi guys." I say going over to Jerome acting like I wasn't the one who had saved him and didn't know what happened. "What happened to you Jerome?" I say gesturing to his shoulders.

"Oh this, when we were in the forest an Enderdragon hybrid that looked like Ty attacked me and almost ate me. Ate me. I was going to be eaten." Jerome said and I acted shocked. "He said his name was Enderlox."
"Oh yes I think I saw him when I first went in." I say.
"How did you survive him on your own? I almost died."

"Well last time I was in there he saw me but he mustn't of been hungry and left me alone I guess." I lie hoping Seto didn't pick up my lie. "He fought against me this time and chased me down but I got away and ran here."
"No wander you look exhausted." Mitch said as I yawned.

"Yeah. What are you guys looking at?" I say looking over to Setos book.
"Oh we were just discussing how Jason thought he saw an ice dragon hybrid in the forest who saved Jerome." Seto said flicking through the book some more.
"Wow those are really rare. I'm sure they are on the edge of extinction since there aren't many left. Fast those ones are." I say casually.

"Wait how do you know they are fast?" Ian asks from the corner of the room.
"Hey I've done my research. Plus I know someone who knows a lot on hybrids and has seen one." I proving my point.
"Well I know the fastest ones are feonix hybrids." Seto says.
"Yeah those ones are really fast. I've actually seen one before." I say and before anyone can ask how I continue. "Well I'm really tried and slightly hungry."

"It's just about dinner now. After you could sleep in Tys room so you don't have to go back. I'm sure your boss won't mind." Sky says to me.
"Yes please."

We go out with Jerome who's on crutches to the dinning room. We have a very nice meal but I only have an apple not feeling that hungry at the moment, talking about what Enderlox told Jerome. "So a war. Do you know when it's going to be?" I say causing them to stop eating. They sit there in silence, Sky's face full of fear now.
"No we don't. I could be at a surprise time when we're not ready." Sky says worriedly. "We need to get the recruits ready and trained for the war."
"We'll tell them of this tomorrow." Jason says.

I stand up from my seat "Well I'm heading to bed now. I will leave to go back home in the morning. Thanks for dinner." I leave the room and go up the stairs. Once I get to the room I lock the door then I take off my bracelet. My wings form and I look at myself in the mirror.

I always liked my bird wings. They look so delicate and graceful with their (f/c) feathers. I shifted form to my ice dragon side. I loved being this. I loved the cold but I still loved the warmth of the sun on my back as I fly by. I decide to go and see Enderlox now and I slip out the window before taking off into the night.

Well it's Sunday so here's the update. This will be how it is from now on. The story will be updated every Sunday because school is back this week.

I need some help with what I'm going to write for the next chapter. If you know how can you please help me. I don't know how to do it. If you know what I'm trying to say please PM me. I really need help with it. (If you know what I mean)

Well vote, comment, follow me to join the flock today and keep on chirpin my birds. Byee :D

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now