Chapter 48

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Enderlox's POV

(Y/n) nodded with a smile holding our son and daughter gently in her arms. I smiled, turned and walked out of the room into a hallway seeing guards standing there on the other side of the hallway talking to each other. Those are the guards that escorted me down to the dungeon and then (y/n) to the hospital bay.

They looked up as the door closed behind me and they immediately began speaking, coming towards me. "We will be taking you to your-" the guard talking stopped and gasped. "D-deadlox?"
I smiled casually. "Morning."
"Y-you're alive?" the other questioned.
"I seem to be, yes. Now can you tell me where Sky is, I need to have a word with him." I spat, shocking them.

"He's in the meeting room sir." I nodded and headed in the direction of the meeting room. They must have thought that me as Enderlox had come out of the room, but didn't notice it was me, me. I can still change back into my hybrid side but I'm not wanting to at this moment. Sky, you have no idea what's coming for you. And that thing, is me.

As I walking down the hallways, still remaining guards looking at me with wide eyes as I passed by. Some tried talking to me but I ignored them, determined to have a little 'chat' with Sky. The person who put me through all this pain, he person who betrayed me and took my wife from me while SHE WAS PREGNANT!

I stopped at the meeting room door and listened. A meeting is definitely going on in there. "What should we do about that hybrid? If we want her species to be saved, we'll have to do something." I heard the familiar voice of Seto question inside. You should have let her go.
Sky obviously disagreed by the tone in his voice. "But you saw how she acted when we went up to her. She's dangerous!" Dangerous? She's not dangerous, you were probably just threatening her!

I knocked on the door, silencing the room. "Who is it?" I heard Jason ask. I cleared my throat.
"Just an old friend. May I come in?" I heard gasps from inside, whispering, then silence. "So, can I come in? I don't have all day."
Finally someone spoke up, that someone being Jerome. "Sure, come on in." I smiled, took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

I stepped in, feeling everyone's eyes on me. I fixed my hair a bit since I couldn't quite see, then looked up at everyone. Mitch, Jerome both have bandages where I clawed them, Jason, Ian, Husky, Seto and Sky all wide eyed in disbelief. Sky had the widest eyes, I could tell. He didn't say anything, just stood up and walked over to me. He stopped in front of me, looking me up and down.
"Hey, stop checking me out." He snapped out of it and looked me in the eyes.

"Ty, you're alive, you are really here." Then, he hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad you're alright." I couldn't stop the next thing he did, because in a matter of seconds, his lips slammed into eyes widened in shock, his kissing me. HE'S KISSING ME! I pushed him off and gasped for air.
"What the hell Sky! Why'd you do that?" I growled in anger as he helped himself gain balance.

"What do you mean Ty? We are a couple, you and me. Remember?" he asked in shock.
"I remember Sky, but you can't just do that!" I snapped back. He sighed, narrowing his eyes at me. Then a smile formed on his face.
"I may be able to get you to like me again." Before I could protest and say that I have a wife and children, he ran out of the room.

Why doesn't he listen? I try to say one thing and he always cuts me off. Just like three years ago, but he just didn't listen. He just thought of himself, before considering other people's needs. "Ty, you're alive?" I looked back at the others who are looking at me in disbelief.
"Yeah I am. What else would I be?" (Enderlox?...) I replied with a sigh and a smile.
"So, what happened there? You pushed him off." Mitch asked, while the others are probably still trying to process what happened.
"He doesn't understand. I have a wife and children." I say and their eyes widen, obviously trying to process that too.

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now