Chapter 40

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Gingerbread yeah!

Sky's POV

"Can you hold that there for me?" Seto asked pointing to a part on the trap. I held the joint while Seto went to go get something. Seto has been busy for the past three and a half weeks making this Ender Shock trap that he's going to use to try and capture the ice dragon hybrid with. He's been non stop about it, absolutely non stop.

The only times he's rested is at night time when he need some more energy for his magic, to eat or just to read the instructions in the book. "Ok, I've got the final parts." He called out. He entered the room with the book, a few bottles and some bolts to hold the chain net together.

He took a bolt and put in the chain links to hold it together. "That's done, now we just need to put the potion on so it shocks any Ender that touches it." I sigh in relief letting go of the net as he hands me a bottle with a glowing purple and silver potion inside. The silver almost has little zaps coming out of it.

"What do we do with the potion?" I question watching the sorcerer do his work as his eyes scan the page in his book.
"It says to soak the chain net in the potion for an hour." He explains.
"How do we have enough of this potion do soak all the chains in it? Because I can only see that we have two bottles." I gesture to my bottle and his.

"Sky, one thing you need to know is that us sorcerers, we always make lots of one potion so we don't waste any rare or important ingredients." He stands up and heads over the his cauldron. "Bring the net over here." I put the bottle down and pick up the heavy chain net. Seto insisted that we make it out of iron so the ice dragon hybrid doesn't get away since he doesn't know how strong it is.

I carry the net over to the cauldron and he told me to put it in the big thing of the purple and silver mixture. As we watched, the net sunk to the bottom of the cauldron. "What now?" I asked Seto who's using a metal rod to stir the net in the mixture.
"Well, now we just need to wait an hour or two until there is only a third of the mixture left since the chains will soak it up. Then they'll be done." I nodded. Two more hours until this net trap is done.

For the next two hours we just sat down, ate some lunch and talked some more about the war. Currently it's two in the afternoon and Seto and I are just waiting. Ian made lunch and left it out for us, knowing we are busy. He's gone back to doing whatever since he left when we came in.

I finished eating my plate of food when Seto said that the net would be done. We raced down the hallway, more like I had to race after him. He must be very excited to finally have it done. His cloak flowed behind him as he ran down the hallway, mine doing the same. "Seto please wait up." I yelled to the impatient sorcerer. Though he ignored me and continued to run.

We made it to his room and I stopped to catch my breath. "I know your excited, but why'd you have to run?" I questioned catching breath.
"Because a Sky, we need to make sure it works, if it doesn't well have to restart as soon as possible." He called out going over to the cauldron. "Finally, it looks done. Now we just need to shake the excess potion off and test it out." He explained getting some gigantic metal tongs and taking the net out.

The net shone with purple and silver, small sparks coming off it. It looks pretty amazing. Now let's hope that it was worth the three and a half weeks work. But how will we test it? "Uh Seto, how will we test it out?" He looks at me with his brown eyes and smiles.
"Simple, we get an enderman hybrid from the dungeon and test it out like that." I nod. That would make sense, enderman hybrid, Ender shock trap.

I went to head out the door to go to the dungeon when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Seto called out and I came Jerome.
"Hey guys, do you need any help? I have nothing to do." The fluffy bacca said. I laughed at that, I can't believe Jerome has nothing to do.
"Well you could come with me, Seto and I need an enderman hybrid from the dungeon to test out something for the war." I explained and Jerome smiled.
"Sounds like fun."

Jerome and I left the room so Seto could dry off the net some more, and began making our way into the dungeon. It isn't that far from Seto's room. "So Sky, what exactly are you testing out?" Jerome asked.
"Well we are testing out a trap that will shock any Ender that touches it. Seto wants to trap the ice dragon hybrid and do some tests." I explain and he nods.
"He really wants to do research on her doesn't he?" I nod... Wait her?
"Wait wait... The ice dragon hybrid is a girl?" I ask shocked.

"Yeah, in the war we saw that the ice dragon hybrid was a girl." He explains.
"That'll shock Seto." I said to myself.

We came to a cell where inside sat three Enderman hybrids, all chained to the wall. Two were snuggling together, talking in a whisper. The other one is sleeping. The two who are talking to each other looked up at us and stopped talking. Their eyes showed fright, confusion, sadness, but they are Enders and I hate Enders.

I signalled to a guard who came over. "What do you need sir?" The guard asked.
"We are testing something and need one of these hybrids. Can you get one out for me?" I asked motioning to the three hybrids and the guard nodded.
"What one do you want?" The guard asked me. I thought about it, the one sleeping is small, probably only a child, around 7 years old.

The other two are much older, probably 18 or 19. Ones a girl and the other a boy. "The older male one." The guard nodded, unlocked the cell door and went in. The two hybrids that are awake are shaking in fear, trying to back away from the guard. But it was no use for them, the guard grabbed the male Enderman hybrids arm.

The guard took the chains off the wall but made sure they stayed on the hybrid. As Jerome and I watched, the smaller hybrid woke up and began screaming. The older girl tried to grab the hybrids hand that's being dragged out but failed. "No Ryan, let him go!"

I glared at the hybrid who had called out and she just sat there crying. The cell door closed as the hybrid had been dragged out. It thrashed about but the guard held him tight by the chain.
"Here you are sir." I nodded taking the chain and began walking back out of the dungeon, ignoring the other hybrids call and cries.

"So we are going to test it out with him?" Jerome asked as we walked out of the dungeon.
"Yes, and if it all goes well, we'll be able to use it in the war." I replied pulling on the chain some more. This hybrid is making it hard for us to go anywhere. He keeps digging his heels into the floor to try and stop being pulled, but I am much stronger.

We arrived at Seto's room and Jerome opened the door for me. I walked in pulling the hybrid in after me. "We're back." Jerome calls out to let Seto know that we are back. Seto poked his head around the corner and smiled.
"Ah goodie, the net is done so now we just need to test it out, he'll do." Seto said going over to where the big heavy chain hung over the cauldron.

Jerome and Seto took it off and walked further into the room. I looked at the hybrid who looked afraid, glowing purple Enderman eyes, most of his skin covered in black scales.

I turned back to where they were now standing in front of me holding the Ender Shock Trap that shone purple and silver. "Ok, let's test this."
I grabbed the hybrids arm and pulled it towards the net. The hybrid of course struggled and shook in fear but I yanked his hand forward making him touch the net. He screaming in pain pulling his hand back but still in my grip.
Seto smiled gleefully. "It worked, it actually worked. Looks like we won't have to redo it."

"I'm glad for that too, because if we had to restart it would take forever." I replied with a big smile. It worked.
"Guys, now what do we do? You know, with the hybrid?" Jerome asked and I just grinned.
"That is very easy, we finish him off." They nodded in agreement.

"N-no please, I-I didn't do anything. P-please." But I ignored his cries and shoved him into the net, where he continued to scream and struggle, until it all stopped in a matter of minutes. The body fell off the net and onto the floor, marks covering his skin from the net. I grinned, we are going to win this war.

Dun dun duuuun. Cliffhanger. Next chapter is the war and since its got so much to it it's going to be in two parts, maybe even in three. So Saturday and Sunday updates, can't wait for reactions >P . Two weeks until my school year ends. Woohoo. :D

Vote, comment, follow me to join the flock today and keep on chirpin my birds. Byee :D

Mhuahaha X-D

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