𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 17.

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How long have you been stuck in here?" Makayla asked, looking around.

"A few days. We found a bit of food though. C'mon." He called her to the side and took them out. Joel looked at them, watching her refuse with a smile a the little boy started munching on them.

"Blueberries. We found a whole stash of them. Want some?" He asked Joel.

Joel kept his face serious, "No."

"Hey man relax. We're safe."

"So why haven't you left?" Joel's voice was much more deeper than Henry's.

"Been waiting for the right opportunity."

"And?" Joel demanded.

"Here. Check this out." Henry walked up to the windows and Joel followed him as Henry continued to speak, "Look at these sons of bitches. They're down there everyday. Guarding that damn bridge. Come night time, it's down to a skeleton crew. After sunset, that's our window. With most of them gone,we sneak right past them."

Joel turned to look out the window one last time, seeing a bunch of those hunters with their hands full of weapons just pacing back and forth.

"That could work." He looked at Henry.

"Oh it will definitely work." Sam said and went to sit behind a small table on a chair as Joel did the same. They were sitting face to face ready to go through the plan while Makayla and Sam were sitting on the other side of the room on a couch.

"So where were you headin'?" Joel asked and Henry seemed eager to tell him. Happy that they joined him.

"Heard the Fireflies are based down west somewhere. We're gonna join them."

"Yeah." Joel grinned, shifting in his seat making Henry frown, "Something funny?"

"Just seems like there's a lot of people putting their stock on the Fireflies these days." Joel answered causally.

"Yeah maybe there's a reason for that.

"So you don't know where they are and you're just gonna drag him across the country to find 'em." Joel said making Henry furrow his eyebrows.

"I tell you what, how about I worry about my brother and you worry about your girl." He gave Joel a death stare but Joel remained unimpressed.

"Easy." He warned Henry, "We're looking for the Fireflies too."

A wave of relief washed over Henry as he took out a map and placed it on the table, "You and your girl wanna join us, it goes down tonight."

"Then we better rest up then." Joel leaning back in his seat making Henry genuinely smile as they heard a melody play. They turned their heads to look at Makayla and Sam and Sam was trying to play on the piano right next to him but he kept messing up.

"Try this key instead of this one." Makayla quided him and he looked at her before trying it again.

This time it sounded right making him smile at her, "You know how to play?"

"A little bit yeah." She mumbled looking away not even noticing Joel and Henry were watching them.

Sam immediately moved from his seat creating a space for her behind the piano and she sighed as her eyes met with Joel's. He was hypnotizing her and when he noticed her looking at him he raised one eyebrow, as if he was challenging her.

She looked at Sam, "Well alright then." And sat behind the piano.

Her fingers pressed against the keys so gently and elegantly, creating a soft and slow melody as she started humming to herself at first but after some time she decided to open her mouth,

Breathe the air again, it's a beautiful day
I wish this moment would stay with the Earth
Some primal paradise
But there you go again, saying everything ends
Saying you can't depend on anything, or anyone

Her voice was soft and quiet with a bit of rasp in it having all three of them hooked as they continued to watch and listen to her in silence.

If the end of the world was near
Where would you choose to be?
If there was five more minutes of air
Would you panic and hide
Or run for your life
Or stand here and spend it with me
If we had five more minutes
Would I, could I, make you happy?

"Wow. You have a beautiful voice." Henry breathed out as soon as her fingers separated from the keyboard.

"Seems like you put the little man to sleep." He snorted making Makayla look next to her only to see Sam sleeping like a baby. She then looked back at Joel and Henry and she couldn't help but notice Joel's face change. He wasn't frowning or being grumpy as always. His eyes were relaxed and there was a spark of smile in them.

She could feel her heart warm up at the sight but as he noticed her looking, he looked away, clearing his throat.

"Alright, time to get some sleep." Henry said and stood up.

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now