- "okay so were are going to melt down the bricks so they are not traceable. Were going to take it to the pawnshop and after that were going to pay for JJ's restitution" I said as we walked to Sarah through the yard to the house "How many bars?" she asked "I dont know it was all muddy I think it was like 500? 600? bars of gold" I said "600 bars of gold" She repeated in surprise that we had actually found this gold "I dont know could be a thousand. it was all but but it was everywhere. covering the walls,  stacks of it. Four hundred million dollars. Its all there. We did it now we just have to get it out of there." I said "how do we do that" She asked "pope has a plan basically a pulley system. I dont know its this whole equation type science thing" I told her not knowing how to explain all the math and science that went into popes plan that he was going to dumb dowm for us later "hey" ward stopped us "hey" i smiled at him acting like nothing was wrong I have a bad feeling about this man but its whatever i guess "what are you three plotting" he asked "uh normal thing you know" i said wanting one of them to finish the lie "world domination" Sarah finished "that's my girl always aiming high, its going to have to wait a day though, cause im taking these two fishing tomorrow morning. First light. " He said with a smile on his face. I looked at John B with worry in my face. This wasn't a good idea and even if we planned to get this gold out tomorrow. Even if its the ass crack of dawn and i was never up that early "just you me and Layla" He added on as me and John B did not know what to say at all. "No they cant tomorrow" Sarah covered for us "why not?" the smile on his face dropping "well, because we have plans "oh really what plans are those? sit by the pool all day?" He asked "No date" Sarah said covering quickly "then ill take Layla" He said "its a double date her JJ and me and John B" she lied more "Look that boat mate and you two need to start owing your keep around here all right so im sure it can wait" He said in a demanding tone as me and John B got a lot more uncomfortable with the situation "dad." she warned the man "what? Sweetie im kidding they are new to the family I just want to take them fishing all right?" He asked "okay" she gave in knowing there was no way out of this "yeah?" he asked us we both nodded our head in agreement "its going to be good" He asked walking away. "well that pushes everything back" I said when ward was far enough he couldn't hear. "Tell me about it" John B agreed "this went from hard to harder" I said "yeah ill be right back" Sarah said leaving me and John B alone "hey so um do we need to do anything to make sure no uh no . . . no baby's come" He said i made a disguised noise "ew no John B we were safe" I said not wanting to have this conversation with my twin brother. If I would have known they would have heard, it wouldn't have happened. We thought they were outside because the fire was going the entire time.  "I just want to make sure because you know." he said awkwardly "No John im 17 no kids for a while i promise" It was very uncomfortable. Sarah saved us as she came back. We drove back to me and John B's place as me Sarah and Kie all sit in the Twinkie. " He said it looks something like this" Kie said looking at a drawing pope made "So i guess this little wagon will go into the gold room?" she said laughing at the stupid drawing. "who made this" Sarah laughed "who do you think" i said as Kie looked at pope "So Layla" Kie questioned as Sarah leaned forward double teaming me "oh fuck and you guys two" I knew what they were going to ask about what happened "How was it" Kie asked "yeah how was it. and what do you mean not you guys two who else asked?" Sarah said " It was... perfect.. and john b asked which made me feel very weird. he asked if we need to do anything to make sure no babied would come around which ew and no. How did you guys even know you were outside at the fire?" I said "Kie went in for a drink and heard she came out and told us" Sarah answered JJ walked over and threw three pieces of gold on the floor "Kie this better work" JJ said "we cant pawn this if there is a giant wheat symbol on it" he said "its gonna work" Kie held up a blowtorch and showed JJ "I dont feel safe" I said joking as Kie lightly pushed me. We melted the gold and drove to a pawn shop. "hell of a job melting it down Dr. Frankenstein" JJ joked "like you could have done any better" Kie said "I could have done better I took a welding class" He said "you barely take regular classes" knowing that if he did he didnt show up at all. "when?" Kie questioned  "chillout okay" John B said stopping the two from arguing "easy for you to say your not the one who has to pawn this piece of shit off" JJ said holding up the melted gold "how did i get stuck with this job anyway" He asked "your the best liar" I answered as me JJ and Pope all walked in "afternoon Ma'am" JJ said seeing the older lady "noon" she answered back " I see you buy gold" He stated the obvious "that's what the sign says doesn't it" She said back to him as I held back a laugh "well i sure hope you buy a lot of it because im about to blow your mind" JJ said opening his bag " i dont have much mind left  to blow so have at it" I smiled at the lady's response as she smiled back enjoying talking with JJ. he placed the block on the table and said "how bout them gold apples" as i let out a small chuckle "that isn't real" she said not believing us "that isn't real?" JJ questioned "It cant be" she said "feel how heavy it is" JJ said John B, Sarah and, Kie all came in as she struggled to pick it up and then she looked at it with a light "Spray-painted tungsten" she said laughing a little still "stray-painted tungsten. really? okay. Why dont you see how soft it is? " JJ said  trying to get this lady to believe us "you mind" she said holding up a hammer and a nail "no go for it" Jj said as she hit the gold making a small hole "wow would you look at that" JJ said no surprised as she was starting to believe is more "hold your horses we haven't gotten to the acid test yet" she said "oh the acid test" JJ said excited "well it isn't plated and its not painted" She said "Ma'am i am telling you this is as real as the day is long" JJ said to her we all stayed quiet knowing letting JJ handle this was best "It looks like somebody tried to melt it down" she said pointing out the obvious "My mom she had all the jewelry laying around the house and she thought it was best to melt it down to "consolidate" it " JJ lying as she put it on the scale "7 pounds that's a lot of earrings" She said "okay to be honest Ma'am. Its really hard to see my mom fall apart with Alzheimer's" he said lying more dropping a fake tear. We all held in a laugh a the bullshit story "hm give me a minute" she said "take your time Ma'am" JJ said "so i uh talked to my boss this is what I can do" She said the cash register showed 50 thousand "500 thousand Ma'am you think i rolled in here not knowing the spot price? Ma'am I know for a fact that this is worth 140 at least" JJ said getting a little aggerated while still trying to be respectful to the older lady "well sweetie this is a pawn shop not Zurich. Do I look swiss to you" She said "90 or I walk" JJ said "70 half price" She said trying to negotiate back and i dont ask questions about where you got this" she said not believing the bullshit story about JJ's mom "I'm going to need that in large denominations please" he said giving in "well here's the snag I dont have that much here in large denominated, not here anyways. I can write you a cashiers check" She tried "Cash.. No ma'am i want cold hard. That's what the sign says. Cash for gold and that's what i expect. I'm going to get it in cold hard" He said "well I have to send you to the warehouse I have money there is that alright?" she asked JJ looked in her eyes trying to see if she was lying or not "where is this warehouse?" she told us the location and we went into the car and I drove. We went deeper into the cut which somehow looked a lot worse then where we lived bunch of run down and broken houses that looks like crackies or druggies would live for free. Abandon houses left and right. "so they keep money out here?" pope questioned " that's what she said" JJ said the chuckling "that's what she said" He joked  "stop" Pope shut down his joke "I've never even heard of resurrection drive" Sarah said "that's because your rich" JJ said "you have never heard of it either" Kie said to JJ "see. thank you" Kie said "there is nothing but weeds back here I said looking through the tree's "see just cause it weeds doesn't mean.. its like" JJ got cut off by sirens "cops out here?" Kie asked as I pulled over "fuck" i said "god are you kidding me" JJ said "god what did we do" Sarah asked "JJ hid that gold" I said "I hate cops" Jj said freaking out along with John b "Chill guys" Kie said " Did you bring the gun" I asked JJ "No okay everyone told me to leave it back at the place" he said "thank god please everything else in your bag" Kie rushed as Jj tried his hardest to hide it as the cop got out his car. A guy clocked his rifle and put it in my face. My breath hitched as i stopped my movement. "how about I see the hands" he said as I put my hands up " all of yall's hands up in the air right now" he yelled  "you out of the car left go" He said to me "out of the car lets go. Hurry" He said as I got out He told me to let them out as I walked to let them all out "there you go pretty girl" he told me rushing them all out the car "we broke-" Jj said as the guy told him to shut the hell up pushing the gun into him a tear fell and JJ told the guy aright and to stop "ill blow your damn head off lay down in the ditch" he rushed he told us to get down and heads on the ground i was next to JJ i was horrified as you can tell he had no problem killing anyone of us "its a set up guys" Kie said "that old bat shanked us fuck. god damn it" Jj said hitting the ground "fuck stop it JJ" I said as dirt got in my eyes "J dont be a hero man" i said to him as he got up telling us to shush he found the gold and grabbed it as John B got in the car " alright yall just stay like that unless you want your brains blown out all over this road dont move your god damn heads alright JJ ran turning the guy passing him to me after he punched him. I used all my power and socked the shit out of him as he pushed me and fell to the ground Sarah hitting him with the door. "you son of a bitch" Sarah said hutting the door as he sat up and John b pulled his mask down "Barry what the fuck" I said to the drug dealer as I recognized him " I know this piece of shit hes a basehead" JJ said "Probably knows my brother" Sarah said "he sells coke to my dad" JJ said "listen I couldn't hurt any single on of yall" he said as JJ kicked him in the face "JJ" i said as John tried holding him back" he took his id and pushed past us all getting in the driver's seat he started yelling about how he knew who we were and he was going to fins us and see us again john b threw his keys in the woods. not well as it was with his bad hand and we all got in the van. Jj drove to his house "welcome to crackhead waste land" I said "I dont know about this man" Pope said "dude why are we at Barry's" he continued JJ told us this will only take a second then left the car The van door opened and John B asked where he was going " Yo soy justicia" JJ said walking up to the house "did you glen anything from that" Pope asked "you know you should probably-" Kie said Sarah agreeing and John B got out the van we sat for a little "how did you know his name?" Kiara asked "bought weed off of him a few times" I said as they all let out an "oh". We waited for the boys came out the house. They came out and we all jumped out the van  "were looking at about 5 grand each for putting us through that bullshit" Jj said pissed off "so that's what we are doing now robbing drug dealers?" Kie said "this Barry guy is going to find out and hes going to come after us" Sarah said "yes he will now is not the time to start wildin' out" Pope said "How did you guys like having a guy pointed at you I mean Layal he had it pointed at your head" I went up to JJ "relax" i said he pointed to the middle of my face "he had it right here on you" He said to me. i grabbed his shirt stopping him "look we have to go get the gold okay? just give me that shit" I said to him grabbing the bag as he put me against the car "do you fell though JJ? what are you going to do when he comes for us" I said "Get your hands off her" john B yelled "shut the fuck up" i said to him knowing JJ wouldn't do anything "ill punch him in the throat" JJ said to me "Good fucking Idea JJ." i said " I'm not putting it back" He said backing away and getting in the van 

Call Out My Name - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now