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- "do we have a plan?" I asked out of the blue looking up from the book I had on my phone? "Nope" John B said said and it went back to silence. "Nice work John B you know these things lock from the outside right?" JJ said "Jj please not right now" But I said it too low so he barley heard me. "Okay I was just trying to get us on the boat JJ i wasn't thinking that far ahead" John B said clearly not wanting to hear whatever snarky comment JJ had or was going to make. "well now we are stuck in here like rats in this death cage" Jj said "shut up please! Its hot and no matter what we had no other choice we have to get the cross, and we have to save Sarah she is one of us. "Jj thats not helping" Pope said to him out of breath from the hear "you dont have a lot of room to talk right now you said you had a plan but what happened to thinking ahead" Jj said "i find your lack of self-knowledge disturbing" Pope said. I was so tired of the fighting I just wanted this to be over with save Sarah, get the cross and get out. "last i checked you literally shot an oil container with the gat" Jj continued on "Oh my god shut up. Shut up." Kie said slamming her foot in between the two "pull it together" She said "Lets just try and find a way out of here." Pope said we tried the door which was of course a no go and we looked behind a lot of the equipment that was in here with us trying to find something. Anything. When we couldn't find a way out through the vent because it was too small we gave up. "Hey pope how do you kill a snake?" Jj asked  "You go for the head" Pope answered JJ's question "Exactly. But the head in this instance is the bridge.  To take the bridge we need maximum firepower. And I happen to know there is an armory on this ship in case of pirate attacks" Jj said "pirate attacks?" I whispered to Kie and she just shrugged her shoulder not knowing the answer to JJ's "logic" either. "if we take that and im not just talking pistols-" Jj said as Kie got up cutting him off "You lost me killing everyone here is not a plan" Kie said and I slightly agreed but everyone here was most likely armed going at them without any thing to defend would be like putting a rat in the hungry snakes cage. We would be dead in a matter of seconds.  They argued more as I tuned them out focusing on the chips of my nail paint. "guys!" Kie said catching all of our attention. I was the first to get up and walk to her "Bingo we can fit through that" I smiled doing the Pogue handshake with Kie "Nice find Kie" i said "what's that about a swiss army knife coming in handy" Jj said "just do it" Me and John B said at the same time. JJ started to unscrew the vent as we waited "so you got a plan babe your good with these kind of plans" I said "okay we raid the armory, get weapons, roll back here and plot the next move the armory is on the third deck aft, near the laundry room. Let's roll."  Jj said going to take the cover to the vent off " JJ hold up I dont think we should all go out there. Its too risky" Pope said and I agreed "I think you should stay here JJ" John B said " I have Sarah im going after and pope has his cross and also if you go out there, there's a 100% probability that you're going to do something stupid" John B said as I ran my hand through my hair in stress "okay I think the correct terminology is "ballsy." that is it." Jj said not helping his case at all John B pulled him down as JJ tried to fight it but lost "im a team player" he said "if we go out there, and we get in a bind, we need someone to look out for us. that's what we need." John B said "okay I get it I get it. I'll be on the B team" Jj said "I never said B team" John B said "Okay. Kie you can go with John B or stay with me and JJ" I said stopping anything fight that was about to start " Ill stay with you guys" she said Jj went to the back mad he couldn't go out and cause trouble "hey... dont get shot thats all I got" Kie said hoping something more inspirational would come to mind "got it dont get shot" john B said excepting something more heartfelt "well thats disheartening and scary" Pope said "JB" I said grabbing his attention as Kie walked back to JJ "Miracle?" he asked "Bird please dont die. I cant lose you again" I smiled lightly back at him. He pulled me into a hug "you wont I promise" he said as i pulled away "I love you go get our girl back" i said hugging pope and going to walk to the back "I love you too sis" he said before they climbed out.  And Kie put the vent back on "Just us now" she said sitting down. We made small talk and laughed for about thirty minutes sweat dripping down all of our faces.

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