- Paralyzed. In which you can't move. I couldn't move "Please just ten minutes" Shoupe asked Hayward " you up for that or you want to wait baby you know you don't have to " he whispered to me " I'll do it to get it over with" I told him holding on to JJ " Five minutes and that's all" Hayward said sternly.
" Do you know where John B is going?"
"Your smarter then to protect a killer Layla" he pressured
" I'm not he didn't kill Peterkin riddle me this. Our dad disappeared, left us with an uncle who left us so we were now in deep shit with DCS no one helped us. Peterkin she covered us. And helped us why would he kill the only person who was helping us . The one other person who knows that ward killed my dad. The one other person that actually knew what happened July 17th,2019." I snapped at him " okay I think we are done here" He said as I walked away crying going back into Jj's arms "come on I got you " He said holding me close I fell asleep at some point. Waking up early in the morning the light shining in my face as I was in a bed I was unfamiliar with looking around more at the pictures of us and the decorations I knew I was in pope's. He had a bulletin board filled with pictures of us and his parents and him. I went to the bathroom washing the tear and mascara stains off my face. I put on my glasses realizing I was in clothes that I was not in earlier. It was an oversized outer banks hoodie with grey sweatpants I had to practically hold up. I went outside and sat on the deck outside of Popes house starring at the water as a tear slipped I wiped it away. "You come out here in morning's too?" A voice said said as I turned around there was a light skinned girl maybe a little darker then Kie. "no not normally" I said to her as she sat down next to me " Carla Johnson" She said sticking out her hand for me to shake " Layla" I said not wanting to say my last name knowing it was all over the island "Got a last name Layla" she said "Routledge" I said just giving up knowing she was going to find out about it sooner or later "woah like?-" she started but I cut her off "my twin brother who got framed for murder then died at sea? Yeah her" I said finishing her sentence "he was framed? why didnt you guys say anything" she asked "we did. Who would you believe a whole bunch of teenagers who run around causing problems and most of them are homeless or the rich guy that the entire island loves?" i said "im sorry I know how it is I lost my dad" she said "same by ward Cameron too." I said she put her arms around me in a short hug "you like boating?" I asked her "yes" She said excitedly "wanna go get food. My friends parents own the wreck we can go" she nodded and we walked down to see the HMS Pogue boat helpfully there "Welcome aboard The HMS Pogue" I said as she stepped in "This is yours?" she said "well it was my dad's then he gave it to us for our birthday before he died so" I explained as we nodded she sat on the deck of the boat and we drove in a comfortable silence pulling up to the wreck I docked the boat and we went in Immediately Mrs. C came up and hugged me "Hi darling im so sorry how you feeling" she said and I nodded "its okay trying to get through this it's a pain I've been through before but it hurts 30x worse" I said to her as she nodded "you have always been strong Layla what can I get for you love" She said "Can I just get eggs and whatever she wants" I pointed to Carla and Anna took her order "how much" I said opening my wallet she looked at me with a are you serious look "you ask that every time love and I always say" she stopped letting me finish her sentence "you a daughter to me why would I make you pay" I said repeating what she always told me "but there is a way you can pay me back" she said "and what would that be mom" i said smiling at her "you two could really use each other. and there is that smile I love to much" she said referring to the smile I said after mom and Pointing to the broken Kie in the corner waiting for a tables food to come out, as she messed with a bracelet john B gave her "Hey kook" I joked knowing she hated when we called her that she wiped a tear and ran to hug me "I miss him" she said " we all do Kie but there is one thing we can do" i said to her "and what's that" she answered   "I hate to say it John b and Sarah are probably gone but we can still hold onto hope. clear his name. even if he is gone put ward and rafe and rose in prison do it for my dad, john b, Sarah,  or anyone else he killed" I said to her as she nodded "Now im going to need you to stop crying before I start" I said to her as she wiped her tears "I love you Layla" she said "i love you too Kiara" I said as we did the pouge handshake "whos this" She asked "Oh this is Carla. Carla Kiara or Kie as we call her , Kie this is Carla. I met her on the dock outside Popes house" Kie shook her hand as she excused herself to go serve tables her mom came over with her food "thank you Layla this is the first time today she smiled at someone even if it was fake without bursting into tears" she said smiling "i dont think she should be working ma" I said to her "I told her that she insisted and said it would get her mind off of everything but anyone who comes into here looking somewhat close to him she cries i mean even if they have a shirt on he has" She explained as I nodded eating my breakfast wanting to throw it up feeling like i couldn't eat but i haven't eaten in almost two days "so how old are you Carla?" "18 you" "17" "how did you get into boating" she asked "My dad always loved it he taught me and John B when he would take us fishing when we were little" I said "my dad taught me took what does the B stand for in John's name" "My dad's name is John so we called John B , John B and My dad Big john. Our middle names are booker so" "John Booker and Layla Booker Routledge beautiful names" "thank you after my dad" i said "where is your mom did she pass too?" "nah i have no clue where she is she left us when we were two" i said answering the girl as we finished our food. School started in a weeks and I was not ready. "Kie come on" I said forcing the girl out of the place she clearly did not want to be in anymore. "we have to go get everyone else want to come?" I asked her "sure why not I'd love to meet more of your friends. im new here so new friends would be great" she smiled brightly.

Call Out My Name - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now