- I woke up that morning to Kie barging in "Omg what time is it" I said squinting so my eyes could adjust to the light. "Time for you two to get ready for school" Kie said as we had skipped the last few days "fuck forgot that was a thing" I said rolling out of bed onto the floor with a thump "fuck i didnt think i was that close to the edge" I said as Kie laughed. "babe wake up" I said to JJ shaking him "we have school" I said as he stood up lazily walking to the bathroom me after him to brush my teeth and all. I got ready and did my makeup and grabbing my bookbag and brushed out my wavy hair leaving it down but bringing a hair tie just in case. 

- "Jj you have your flask" I said "yeah its empty though" He said I stuck my hand out asking for it as I went into the cabinet grabbing a bottle of tito's and poured it into a flask not before taking a sip out of the bottle itself

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- "Jj you have your flask" I said "yeah its empty though" He said I stuck my hand out asking for it as I went into the cabinet grabbing a bottle of tito's and poured it into a flask not before taking a sip out of the bottle itself. I just wasn't feeling today a gut feeling that something bad was happening but it went away. I need something to help me get through the day. I put my weed pen in my pocket heading out with the group handing JJ the flask "your not a morning drinker" JJ said to me concerned "well i know that i just dont feel good today and need a little help to make it through Jj shrugged it off letting me cuddle into him as Kie drove. "we have a test today for Mr. Sunn's class dont forget" Kie said making me groan and take a hit of the pen trying to get a little of something before we went into the school, high or tipsy i dint care i need something. Mr. Sunn was our first class after homeroom too. walking there we all took our seats handing out the test. I knew some of the answers but not all guessing on most "20 more minutes" Mr. Sunn worked as a guy came in "Mr. Sunn I'm looking for Pope Heyward" We all looked at each other with confusion as we heard that Sunn trying to explain we were in the middle of a test "im with the Vanderhorst foundation" he said and Sunn called out to Pope as pope got up and left. 10 minutes later I got up and turned in my test being done. I looked and saw Carla starring at me with sadness with a mix of anger in her eyes when I realized I smiled coldly at her. To be honest I got my wish I was a mix of a little drunk and high more high then drunk but enough to make me ballsy without anyone knowing im high and drunk. Pope walked in fastly sitting at his chair he showed us the back of a yellow-golden colored envelope with a closing stamp of the wheat symbol "is that the wheat symbol" Kie asked as the two of us nodded "what the Fu- fudgeeee" Jj said stopping himself from cursing as Mr. Sunn looked at him with a you better not expression we sat anxiously waiting for the class to be over so we could figure out what this letter was The bell rung for us to leave and we all got up following Pope to the library Kie behind me "hey Layla" Kie asked coming to my side "do you have a tampon?" she asked I nodded and pulled one out of my backpack handing it to her as a tear fell from my face I quickly wiped it. I'm late. 3 weeks to be exact "hey were did Kie go" Jj asked "bathroom" I walked into the library Jj's hand on my lower back. There was definitely a change in my mood. The one thing I promised John B I wouldn't do I did. I didnt know what to do. I would have to make sure in right before I worry JJ. I mean im not ready to be a mom, and what if I did want to have the baby. What if JJ wasn't ready to be a dad. We waited for Kie to get back before opening then envelope. "is this like a game of tag" Kie said "i dont know" Jj said making the librarian shush him "seriously Pope you are driving us insane" I said to him in a low voice "hey you okay?" Jj whispered in my ear as I put on a fake smile looking at him. No "yes im fine" i lied. "okay so that guy was from the scholarship committee take a look at this read it" Pope said handing us a paper as JJ snatched it opening it to stare at it "out loud" Kie said "i cant read cursive" Jj said clearly disappointed in himself "hey just give it to me" I said as he handed it to me "this shit is messy okay Dear Mr. Heyward, I am reaching out to you because I have material evidence that can exonerate John B. Routledge. It is of vital importance that you come and meet with me in person at my offices at 27 King street, Charleston at 8:00 pm. Sharp tonight. Please come alone Regards C. Limbrey  " I finished handing the paper to Pope "oh hell no have you watched any horror movie? You are not going alone Pope" I said to him as he continued to pace. "Limbrey that sounds so familiar" I continued "Charleston?" JJ asked "I know its like a hour drive plus the ferry How are we going to get there tonight" Pope said "we would have to leave soon in like an hour" Jj said "I have a free period" Kie said. I grabbed my book bag " Hey I have to bounce to go somewhere really fast. I will be back before you guys go. Can I barrow your car Kie" I said she nodded reluctantly handing me her keys as I left the library JJ pulled my arm back as I left "hey seriously your acting weird what's wrong" He said "um nothing JJ I just need to go pick up my medication." I lied well sort of I wasn't going to pick up my medication but i did need to because I was running out.  "Thats all the way in figure 8 let me go with you" Jj pushed I felt bad for keeping this big thing from him I just wanted to make sure I wasn't freaking out and over thinking first "I can fend for my self ill be back okay?" I said to him and he nodded giving me a kiss and letting my arm go. I felt bad for everything i have done this morning but it should be fine right? I ran out in Kies car and started sobbing driving to the pharmacy. I hated being in figure 8 alone but no one in the group could know. I walked in grabbing a test and going to the counter seeing Kelce. Great. I smiled and put the test on the counter "Ouu someone's being getting it on" He said trying to piss me off i gulped and shook my head "ha never. My cousin thinks she's you know" I said lying "oh really how old is she and why couldn't she come here herself" He said "she doesn't have a ride and she's 14" I said he scanned the item I took the two boxes and threw 23 dollars at him "have a nice day Kook" I said walking out and to my car going to the nearest restaurant to use to use their bathroom. I did what I needed to and put the test's in the box and went back at the car not wanting to look. I impatiently waited the 5 minutes shaking my leg before pulling out the test to see. Pregnant, Pregnant, Pregnant. I cried more. Fuck this could only happen to me. I'm on birth control and get pregnant. what the hell. I drove to the wreck trying to pull myself together before going inside to see kies mom standing there. She saw my face and ran up to me in the empty restaurant as the breakfast rush ended a while ago. "hi are you busy?" I said as she looked around the empty building "no honey what's wrong?" she pulled me over to one of the empty table as I cried into her shoulder "im pregnant. i didnt know who to go to your the closest to a mom I have" I said still sobbing she wrapped her arms around me "JJ's" she asked and I nodded "okay whew Hey look its going to be all good im going to make you an appointment for a OB-GYN and I need you to talk to JJ to see if you cant to keep the baby or not Okay?" She said wiping my tears as I calmed down "okay i will talk to him" I said as I got up having to head out "hey this means no more drinking or smoking" she said and I nodded knowing not to try and lie about it. I walked and headed over to the school picking up the rest of the group. I had the test in my pocket. We drove to kies house as she asked her parents we waited in popes dad's truck they were arguing as we heard boarding school we all got out "its good to see yall Mr. and Mrs. Carrera" JJ said " Ma'am , uh Sir i promise to have her back at a reasonable time" Pope said as she crossed her arms "better have my other one back a reasonable time too" She yelled calling me over "come here real fast" They all protested me not to go over to her but I still did. She handed me a small bag that I put in my pocket before any of them could see "I got these for you they worked wonders when I was pregnant with Kie. If you feel sick or dizzy take one and you will start to feel better in a little bit okay?" she questioned and I nodded and went back to the truck giving her a thankful smile. "Kiara if you dont come back at a reasonable hour do not come back at all" her mom yelled as I got into the back seat with JJ Cuddling into him falling sleep onto his chest.

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