- "so there the kooks of Charleston?" I asked Kie as we pulled onto the street they told us too "yeah they are a bunch of fancy people. they've had like three governors in the family. they've run Charleston for like 300 years" Kie said as we came to a slow stop "These kooks make our kooks, look like Pogues" Jj said in amazement  "you sure this is the place Pope?" Jj said looking at the house" Kie gulped "pretty sure" Pope said as we all got out "no you stay in the car" Jj said "im not made of china glass now JJ" I said ignoring him and getting out anyway "talk about home security" JJ said referring to the tall fence with spikes at the top "those spikes to keep people out?" JJ said "No" i said to him "the slave quarters are over there" Pope continued as I finished "these spikes were to keep people in" Jj looked at me as we all looked a slight bit horrified. We went up to the door and Pope knocked three time with the metal thing on the door im sure no one knows the name of. "you think that was too much?" Pope asked "It echoed the entire house thats for sure" JJ said "maybe no ones home" Kie said and pope went to knock again he knocked twice for the door opened cutting off his third one "you must be pope?" a pale dude with brownish hair said to Pope "uh . . . yes? you must be Mr. Limbrey" Pope said referring to the letter he was given "Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday" he emphasized Ms. "oh im sorry my car broke down on the way here" Pope said JJ cutting him off "carburetor blew up in the middle of nowheresville sorry bout that" Jj said "yeah, she was, uh, real upset when you didnt show" he said "we tried to call but there is no number on the invention. We got here as fast as we could" i said  "she also expected you to come alone" the guy said " i mean these are my friends they helped find the royal merchant too i-" he rolled his eyes and cut pope off "the instructions were explicit your friends can stay outside "we are kind of a package deal man" I said "Lay just stay out here I got it" Pope said "keep the car running" he said as him and Kie held hands he let go my mouth hung open at the site. when he walked inside i spoke up "okay whatever that was im here for it" I said to her as we walked to the car "it was nothing." She tried to play it off "so that kiss last night was nothing too?" I said " i thought you were a asleep" she said to me "im a light sleeper when im unsafe like that. I woke up when he said goodnight" I said to the girl turning to look at her in the backseat. " fine maybe it was a small something but I dont think anything will happen between us" She said "I think you should tell him that Kie" I said worried about Popes feelings. "look if Limbrey's legit then ward gets arrested and maybe Sarah gets the gold" she said "wait that does look voluntary" I said seeing the boy walking out the house with the guys hand on his shoulder guiding him "keep walking" the guy said pushing Pope "that would be a negative" Jj said as we tried to get out JJ stopped us "they are going into the alley go around back" i said to Jj "we will meet him on the other side" Jj said starting to drive "where did they go" Kie asked as Jj compared this to a show  "babe focus that makes no sense" I said to him as he agreed "right sorry did you see him" Jj said focusing on the road "No" i said we searched around more trying to find where they went "circle back to the house" I said as he turned a corner down an alley way. "wait I saw him against the wall" i said as Jj slammed on the breaks and we all got out running to find out way over to Pope and we did pope got him to let go of the taser Jj then kicked it to me as I picked it up the two boys were on the floor fighting Pope was on top of him trying to hold him down JJ pulled hi off and we all climbed the wall jumping over We all got into the car as we all started talking over each other as Jj drove off the guy was following us and JJ was driving like a manic as he almost hit two people running across the street "who let him drive" i yelled to the group as he drove as fast as Heyward's truck could go "hang on im going to lose him" Jj said making a sharp turn " I knew i should have drove" i said as even when driving crazy I would make it safe and I was worse then JJ " your going to literally tip us" Kie said as we turned the corner on two wheels blowing the carburetor "no fuck" i said as we all got out and started to run i heard a distant Layla in a familiar voice but the guy was catching up and I couldn't turn "Guys he has a Glock" I said as we ran faster Jj ran into a delivery guy knocking the packages out his hands almost falling himself we turned down an alley way running as we ran out the alley we heard a skid and turned to see my brother and Sarah tears fell as they rushed us in the back of the bike i was out of it i couldn't say anything but hug Sarah and stare at my brother we all cheered as we lost the three guys chasing us. we ran onto the boat as I filled it with gas and the boys pushed it into the water. I run up to john b when I was done finally getting to hold my brother "holy shit I missed you" we all laughed and joked enjoying our ride back "pope do you mind" I said mentioning to the wheel I was i was holding onto and he nodded "want to tell him now" i whispered to Jj and he nodded we both stood up holding hands "so john" I said catching everyone's attention "yes Layla" he said mocking me for calling him by his first name " how did the soon to be uncle enjoy his trip to the Bahamas" I said Sarah's mouth feel open but john b not getting it "you know got chased by some cops ra- wait! what did you call me!"  He said standing up the biggest smile on his face "surprise" I said to him as he engulfed me in a hug "wait so there is a baby in there" he pointed to my stomach "well i dont think its a baby just yet more like a clump of cells but yes!" I said as he hugged JJ "dude you are going to be a dad!" he said "im going to be a dad" JJ yelled still excited Tears fell from John B's eyes as he kissed my stomach making me cry to see him cry " I love you" he said kissing my forehead "i love you too John b" I said hugging Sarah "dad would be so happy" he said with his arm over my shoulders "yeah he would be" i said. 

Call Out My Name - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now