- I sighed waking up to the empty bed once again. I've been sleeping alone for the past month. I missed everything about JJ. But we haven't talked since I lost little John. His words still hung close to my heart because of that night. "If you lost the baby its your fault" It replayed every night in my mind. I regretted everything I said that night but that didnt matter after I lost the baby JJ couldn't even stand to look at me. But I am pushing through with the biggest fake smile on my face. Got to fake it till you make it am I right. I got up getting dressed and sat out in the sunroom with the rest of the group. I rarely put on makeup anymore and my hair stayed in a messy bun only coming out when I brush it and wash it. I ignored their conversation about the bonfire night and just played on my phone. Sarah walked in "well thats a new sight" I said and looked up "I heard Layla. I'm really sorry." She said "no need to be sorry its not your fault" I said hugging her "well hello princess" Jj said "what's up?" Kie said slightly confused why she is showing her face now after a month of not coming anywhere near the cut. "shouldn't you be on figure 8 with your group of polo players? Or did you break up with topper" John B asked as a smirk fell on my face "we are just friends" She said "hes just a friend. You have a lot of friends, Sarah Cameron" John B said "yeah and it seems like you have got some of your own too" she fired back "All right what are you doing here? What do you want" John B said "I'm here for Pope I think i found the island room" She said as we all sat up straight. I caught JJ's features in the sunlight and our eyes locked. It was hard to pull away from his gaze the first one I have gotten in a while but I did. We got in the car heading to Sarah's house. 

- "Guys listen to this. The diary says the cross hold the most holt relic in all of Christendom, The garment of the savior" Pope said "so wait he is saying there is a holy garment inside the cross?" Kie asked "Yeah It says the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady" pope said "mm ' if only i may touch his garment i shall be made well" Jj said "what i went to Sunday school" He said as the group shot him confused looks as I kept my head down "well that explains why Limbrey would want the cross so bad. She thinks it can heal her" Pope said :what else does it say" I said looking up at pope. "many feel that we have sinned to steal such a sacred thing and god will strike his vengeance on us." Pope read out "thing is god didnt have his vengeance" I said pope thought for a few seconds "he sent a hurricane out to sink the ship only Denmark survived " Pope said I touched my neck looking for my necklace only to remember i gave them back to JJ as I sunk down in my seat. 

- It didnt take long to reach Sarah's house going in "this place still freaks me out" I said as Sarah led us down a hall "same" John B said as she opened a door "Pope look" she said as Pope walked in us following him soon after "Oh shit this is the island room" I said looking around "Its been here this whole freaking time" Sarah said as I ran my hands against the paintings on the wall next to me "guys this is a map of the entire island" I said taking in the room as we were all pretty amazed "Yeah because this is Rixon's right here then there is the light house" JJ said pointing to a spot on the map "Guys look parcel 9 and well" Kie said "so if that is parcel 9 and that is Rixon's then that has to be the surf break at mase." John B said "there are all his drawing's he painted this entire room" Pope said "what she trying to tell us why did he do this" I said "i mean it has to have something to do with the key right?" JJ asked "yeah" I said quietly "How did you even uncover this" John B asked "I didnt it was like this when I got home" she said "Okay then who did it" I said " i said I dont know" Sarah said getting angry "The freaks" we all jumped and turned only realizing it was Wheezie "Jesus Wheezie" i said still frightened "what freaks are we talking about?" JJ asked "uh that sick lady and her attack dog" Wheezie said "Renfield and Limbrey" I said "they showed up last night and wanted to talk to Rafe" She said "okay wheeze what happened" I said sitting down "Okay well first they searched the whole house looking for something, and then Rafe told me to go upstairs but i didnt want to miss out so I listened through the grate and they found this, and then they were talking about getting across the sand flamingo" I let out a little chuckle knowing she meant The cross of Santo Domingo "thats code for something" Jj said "its not she means the Cross of Santo Domingo" i said and wheeze nodded "yeah thats what it was" She said "Oh and they were talking about like Angels at lot of Angel talk i dont know" Wheezie said "Guys demarks famous last words he buried the real treasure at the foot of the angel we are looking for an angel we are looking for the angel in the room" Pope said frantically as we all started to look. I blocked out the chatter just trying to look for this Angel "hey yo i think I found something come here. This humungous tree is still on goat island and you know what its called?" JJ asked us "angel Oak" I said "look right there. Its the keyhole" Jj said "that means the cross is buried at the foot of the Angel. Wow, that must be where he put it" Pope said "that must be where they are right now we have to go" Pope said "I think im sherlock Holmes, all right? your welcome by the way" Jj said as the boys pulled him out the room "Yeah your welcome Sherlock" John B said i fell asleep most of the ride "There it is Angel Oak" Kie said as Pope shook me awake "oh shit tides coming in" John B said "hey wait a second look they already came through here those have to be Limbrey's tire tracks we got to go" Pope said as John B stopped not sure how he was going to get us through this "what are you think JB" I asked I'm thinking it looks a little dicey" He said "agreed" i said standing up going by his seat to get a better look "Well clearly they made it" Kie said "In a two wheel drive? I dont know about that" JJ said "Why are yall acting like you aren't going to do it anyway like when have yall ever done the safe thing " Sarah said John B looked at me with a she's right face and I save him the same look back "Okay speed is your friend here John B okay put her in second and just floor it"  I said grabbing onto something and sitting down "okay got it" he said following my instructions "your not going fast enough we are going to slide" I told john B "Not to put any pressure on you but if you dont make it through we'll be stuck here forever" Pope said definitely putting pressure on. We made it through without dying and Jj got out opening the back door letting us all out "so word to the wise definitely know that gators nest back here so keep your eyes peeled okay you dont want to step on a mama gator thats the last thing you want " Jj told us "they have nests?" Kie asked "yes all right you dont want to be Pat Womack she had her calf chewed off by a gator you know that right?" JJ said "Thats actually not true Pat Womack was injured in a car accident but I hear you" I said "Okay just live in ignorance but like she had her calf chewed off by a mama gator I know that for a fact they like the brackish water hold on wait i see something." Jj said. He hit the twig in the water causing a big splash "yeah wake them up thats smart" I said to him "I was just making sure it wasn't a gator thats all, all right" JJ said we walked and saw Limbrey at the tree. We all ducked down behind a bush watching what she was doing. There was a large group of workers along with Rafe, Renfield and Limbrey they were all digging around the tree to find the cross. There was a loud noise and they found something. "a casket?" I whispered, They all left and we went out exploring the area heading to the casket I read the name tag and my body filled with sadness "Cecilia Tanny" I said as pope got closer "Denmark's wife" he confirmed "he wasn't talking about the cross he buried her at the foot of the angel" pope said his voice filled with sadness and anger "the true treasure" Kiara said "his wife" john B said as we were all filled with sadness "Denmark was hung for burying his wife now they defiled her grave" he said "hey we aren't going to leave her like this pope" I said lightly pope grabbed a name plate to a necklace staring at it and rubbing the ash off of it. I picked up a ring cleaning it off "This must have been from Denmark. Its her wedding ring" I said announcing the find to the group. We put everything back how we found it in the casket before putting Cecilia back where  she was originally buried by Denmark. After about and Hour of re-burying Cecilia "I just dont get it i mean you guys saw the map he hides his gold so no one can find it for 170 years. And then he sends a message to his son Robert to come here to his mothers grave but the message never gets to him. Denmark wanted him to find the cross. I know were in the right spot it just feels like --" Pope said but getting cut off by jj "like we missed something?" He said "come here" he claimed on top of the van me following after him "that looks like the painting in the island room" I said as he pointed into a hole "its worth a shot right?" Jj asked "yeah" I said "go for it" He told me "Oh hell no its your turn I went in the fucking storm drain" I said  "she did go into the storm drain" Kie agreed "yeah no im going to do it. Its just..." JJ said "your scared?" I said "I'm not scared dude" Jj said "you seem scared" I said as Jj stuck his hand in "It feels like somethings in here" Jj said JJ screamed as I wrapped my hands around his waist pulling him from the tree as the boys tried to get up but he just burst into laughter "oh you fucking asshole" I said placing my head on his shoulder. when I realized what I was doing I backed up and got off the van top going next to Kie "oh you asshole" pope said "Oh man! I got all of you on that one" Jj said "real funny" I said as he just shot me a glare that made me very uncomfortable "wait but seriously there is something in here. he said pulling it out "let me see it pope said as Jj jumped down "HMS Royal Merchant" pope read an engraving on it "give it to me captain here we go its a spyglass" Jj said opening it and looking through it "there is something on the ends" i said "an inscription right there" John B said "what does it say?" I asked "you've come this far, do not falter. The cross is on the freedman's alter 'Freedman's Alter' The cross is at the church" Pope said "lets go then" I said hoping in the van along with the rest of the group. As we got closer we saw how much the tide raised "oh fuck the tide" I said "that does not look good what do i do" John B asked me.  "How deep is that" Kie asked "I dont know roads gone" I said "Tide rose a little faster then I thought it would "John B how high are the Spark plugs" i asked him "they are good we are fine" he said not even a little bit convincing "No how high are they" Pope backed me up "oh uh just above the taillight" John B said sticking his head out the window to see "Okay so thats like what three feet" Pope said "thats three feet yeah" Jj agreed "it cant be three feet deep" Kie said "then what's the problem" john B said "no problem we are good she will make it" i said "John B as fast as The Twinkie can go" I said grabbing onto the seat "Okay ladies and Gentleman fasten your seatbelts . Hold onto something" john B said "we dont have fucking seat belts" I said worried "were going into hyperdrive 3,2,1" he said speeding through the water But we slid making sharp turn causing me to lose my grip and slam against the door "Ow fuck" i said holding my side "no no no no no no no" john B said "i think we miscalculated" Jj said "just a little" i said not even attempting to get up " i knew i should have driven?" Jj said "okay maybe we can walk from here" John B said. we all got out standing at the back of the Twinkie "Okay um maybe we can walk" Pope said "and leave the Twinkie the tide is coming in?" I told Pope "so what are we supposed to do" Sarah said "not stay here" Jj said "i can take my dad's truck" Kie are you sure " Layla can you do it. I cant see them right now if I were to get caught they would send me off to boarding school" She said and I nodded "uh yeah sure what more to lose" I said "we are going to need something to pull her out with there is a winch at the château thats like two miles" Jj said "yeah thats a good idea" i said "K if you are going to do it lets go okay and please dont kill each other" John B said "oh hes going? Okay we wont" I said  "tide is coming in and the Twinkie is going under okay" John B said as we left "double time Layla we Gotta move" he said as we walked away. A minutes out Jj talked after we walked in silence "somethings changed in you" he said "to me" he finished "Like?" i said wanting him to go into more detail "you distanced yourself from me, and your cold." he said "you told me that if anything happened to the baby that it was my fault. And the next day he died." I said as a tear fell of the though of my baby gone. "i will leave you alone for now on if that is what you want" he said "You are the one who said you needed the break JJ" i said Looking at him "I know and I'm sorry I left you when you needed me most. And im sorry for what i said " he admitted "listen J. Thats one thing I dont think I will be able to let go especially this soon. What I said that night was extremely fucked up okay. But I apologize and when I say this I mean it with everything in me I love you JJ" I looked straight ahead as we walked into Kie's development "i love you too" He said as he stooped walking and grabbed my hand "I love you no matter what. We can always try again when we are ready. When things cool down okay. No amount of children can replace LJ but we can still have kids and be happy" he said and I nodded "Your right" I sighed catching his eyes which had pure love in them for the first time in a month and a half. He leaned down and kissed me. It was sweet and passionate. Something that I longed for this entire month. I needed his lips on mine. We pulled away "we still got to go steal a truck though" i said and he nodded as we went to her house and ducked as we walked to the back door I went into being as quiet as possible. I looked at the two eating dinner like they weren't even worried about Kie.  I grabbed his keys and left the house. My expression was clearly sad for Kie "what's wrong" he said as I put the keys in the ignition and drove away "they were acting like nothing was wrong like Kie hadn't been gone for almost 5 weeks" I said and Jj nodded "pretty fucked up" He said as I agreed and we went to the the château next "Its in the surf shack ill be right back" JJ said running out but tripping on his way to the surf shack and I couldn't help but burst out in laughter As he was taking far too long I beeped the horn "babe" I yelled getting out and going to the drivers side and getting in. I honked the horn more. Sighing could he not find it. I heard walking and I saw Luke. I made an confused face. He softened at the sight of me "no. Luke. Hell fucking no" I said "just get in" Jj told his dad as he sat in the back seat "My van is drowning right now?" I said caring more about the Twinkie then his shitty ass dad "What is your plan. Huh?" I asked as he grabbed my arm pushing me against the car and my breath hitched "Layla listen to me please I need to get into the Marina at the Island club. There is a boat he can take you have the sticker on your truck and I know you know people there Lay. Twenty minutes that is all I need" JJ said as I sighed "Twinkie? Consider it a fucking submarine in twenty minutes" I argued "I know babe" Jj said "J leave Luke in the house and we can do it later" I said "The cops are after him" Jj said letting go of my arms "Layla if i do this now maybe I will never have to do it again" He said and I sighed. "fine twenty Minutes" I said and he kissed me getting into the passengers side. Look starred at me as I got in and I ignored it. "So word gets around in prison. Especially about JJ I'm sorry" he said "for" i asked as I looked at him through the rear view mirror "the baby" He said and I nodded looking at the road "Yeah thanks Luke" I said as Ii put his hand on my thigh "Your like a daughter to me you know that Layla that is a horrible thing" Luke said and he was actually trying to be nice. But after JJ I could never forgive his actions. I didnt respond I didnt know how too. As we drove in an awkward silence Luke spoke up "hey can you pull over to home food here. im going to need provisions" Luke said and I listened "Crackers baked beans and tuna all right? And some salt and pepper" he said to Jj as I handed him a few bucks and he ran in "You are a horrible father you know that. All Jj did was love you but you cared more about beating him for every little thing he did wrong huh you abusive prick" I said my anger finally coming out as JJ was gone "Preach it to me set me straight " he said "Do you have any idea how special JJ is. He was going to be a dad. A better one then you would ever be" I said "he is a thief" Luke said " and what are you. You know in a way I should thank you because you taught him what a horrible dad looks like. And he was a perfect dad to a kid who wasn't even born yet" I said  "you know your mom used to think she was all that. And lets not talk about your poor daddy man he was delusional going on and on about the gold. Dying finally shut him up." he said I turned around and Punched him "dont you dare talk about my dad when you dont know what it is like to be one. Everything he did was for me and John B" i said "lets get this over with please" i said as JJ got in. Jj looked back at his bleeding nose I through his a rag "dont get blood all over Mikes truck" I said "what the hell happened I was gone for 2 minutes max" JJ asked looking between the two "I punched him" I said "well i can see that Layla but why" JJ said "he is an asshole thats why" I said starring ahead "good enough answer for me" he said facing back to sit properly in his seat. we drove over too the Island club getting in almost immediately. We all got out and walked over to the boat he was leaving on "Did you have to piss her off" Jj said to his dad as we checked everything to make sure he could actually leave "I told her the truth and she didnt like it" Luke said and I rolled my eyes turning on the boat "everything I have you fucking ruin" Jj said "i dont try to it just happens naturally". Luke said I went down to the bottom "you have a full tank of gas but that will maybe only get you Jacksonville Luke" I said "you got money for Gas" Jj asked "what do you think. Yeah no ill figure it out" He said and Jj pulled out his wallet. I took the money from him and Pulled out my own wallet "Layla no" Jj said "its whatever" i said whatever to make sure Luke stayed gone. I pulled 50 out of my wallet going over to him and handing him the money "60 percent goes to gas, and food the other can go to any drug alcohol whatever you want" I said and he nodded "yeah got it" he said and he sounded like he really meant that. I handed to it and me and Jj started to walk "wait come here son" Luke said grabbing him and holding his space as I kept my distance so they could talk. I looked over the beautiful water wondering what the other Pogues were up to right now. i felt a gentle hand on my wrist turning around to see Luke. I hugged him tightly "I'm going to Yucatan might never come back okay. Keep my future little ones safe for me okay?" He said and I hugged him tighter "god I hate you sometime Luke, but I truly do have love you you in my heart" I said and he nodded into my shoulder "I know Layla and I love you too okay" He said and I smiled "Ill see you uncle Luke okay" I smiled and We walked away. 

Call Out My Name - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now