- Pope pulled out this old ass camera as we sat in the rain waiting for the two guys who just got here "nice camera where did you dig up that Relic? why dont you just use your phone" Jj joked with pope as we all looked over the wooden fence as we got soaked by rain water "well first of all I like my antique electronics second of all this is a telephoto it allows me to get a close image from far away "lord of the dorks" I said as Kie agreed "for definitive proof of witness payoff, were going to need quality glass" Pope said "there he is" JJ pulled me down as we all ducked and I threw his hands off me he looked at me with pain in his eyes mine were just filled with anger as I looked at him and he could clearly tell as he felt even more pain. "where are you going you son of a bitch" Pope said as the two ran into a building "no no no im losing him where is he going" Pope said "hold on" JJ said to pope walking away we heard a whistle and all turned around "yo i found something come here Gotta go up top" JJ said as we all followed him up a ladder hurrying so we didnt miss anything we all asked pope if he was filming and he agreed. JJ was on the end as I was next to him and pope as Kie was on the other side of Pope "ward just handed Gavin something its a duffle bag I think" Pope explained as he had a better view then the rest of us "Guys I think this is a payoff" JJ stated the obvious "Gavin doesn't look happy about something it looks like hes yelling at ward" pope said "why?" Kie asked "I dont know but he sure looks mad" Pope answered Kies question "oh shit they are fighting" I said not sure if I was seeing things right "they are really going at it" JJ said we watched them fight as I was freezing from the rain I felt a jacket get put over my shoulders as I fully slipped in on realizing the sent i smiled and nodded at JJ as he let out a hurt smile back. "ward is kicking the shit out of Gavin" pope said "what are they fighting over" I asked not being able to see "i dont know. Oh shit wards got a gun" Pope said. "I bet thats the murder weapon" Kie said Two stops let out as Ward shot Gavin and we all let out a gasp as I put my head into JJ's shoulder as instinct but pulling away after i realized "he did not just kill Gavin" I said breathing a little heavy "oh my god" Pope said breathing heavy like the rest of us "No no no no" Kie said "tell me you got that pope" I said to him "enough to put this asshole away for life" Pope said they fought more until Ward killed him. "okay we should go pope do you have enough" Jj asked "yes lets go" Pope said "hold on hes coming out there he goes i think hes looking for the gun i think the gun just went down the drain hes looking for it hey hes looking for the gun" he continued Kie said something to JJ before standing up "what are you doing Kiara" i said "what is wrong with you Murderer" Kie yelled before pope finally covered her mouth pulling her down "what the fuck Kiara what if he saw you you know what he can do" I said trying to put some sense into the girl "guys he sees us" I said as me and ward locked eyes "we have to go" JJ said as we started to run heading down the ladder but Kie stepped on JJ's hand causing him to kick pope and them to both fall as Kie apologized I went down after her helping JJ up "you got to be kidding me you fumbled it" JJ said as we all saw the broken camera "You kicked me in the face" Pope said as defense "she stepped on my hand" JJ said back "i was trying to hurry" Kie argued "shut the fuck up hes coming" I said as we ran off and jumped a fence and walked when we were safe. I wiped the mud off of JJ's face as we made it to the car and got in "can some tell me what the FREAK just happened" Jj said as pope started to freak out about the camera "wait woah what were they fighting over" JJ said as I took off my now soaked and muddy shoes "uh it was a gun the one rafe used he must have kept it" Pope said "of course of course the murder weapon "pick up pick up pick up" Kie frantically said as calling someone "who are you calling" i yelled at her "who do you think" she said voice cracking and high in fear "the cops?" JJ said "who else am i supposed to call" She said "why would you call the police thats ward" JJ yelled at Kie someone on the other end talked as Kie yelled shut up "hello? Hi someone's been shot at the .. the grand street construction site you guys need to hurry because i dont know if hes dead or not please you need to hurry" Kie said frantically "we cant stay here we are sitting ducks" JJ said "what do you want me to do?" Kie said "just drive" pope yelled. We pulled in front of the construction site taking Shoupe and his team up as we explained the entire story "right here thats where he claimed his next victim" Kie said to Shoupe "right how long ago did you say it happened "45 minutes maybe" I said "okay and so ward Cameron just popped one off any shot him execution style" "no.. but yes they were fighting over something ward had brought like a duffle bag Shoupe then they started fight he grabbed the gun and phew" I said with a finger gun to where Gavin was standing when he was shot "so he did all that and cleaned it up in 45 minutes" Shoupe said not believing a single word "yes and we filmed it" Kie said "you filmed it?" "yes but we cant show you because Kie stepped on JJs foot causing him to kick pope while doing down a ladder then pope fell and broke the camera" I explained "so the dog ate your homework" sheriff said as Pope explained more "listen you have to believe us Shoupe" I said "listen i know your brother and best friend disappeared and all but this is taking it way too far and you still have to answer our questions Ms. " Shoupe said as I got closer to his face "how many more people dying is it going to take for you to realize Ward Cameron is a murderer how much is he paying you Shoupe?" I asked as JJ pulled me back as he put his hand on his gun. "i dont know what you kids want me to do with this its. its a whole lot of nothing" "but its not Gavin was wards piolet and He was blackmailing ward for money because he still had the gun that rafe used to kill Peterkin the Gavin called ward here and ward tried to pay Gavin off but it wasn't enough for Gavin they started fighting and then stopped but when ward went to leave i think Gavin said something so he turned around and just shot him Shoupe with the murder weapon" I explained praying that Shoupe would believe me "how do you know that" he said "well pope did this thing with his phone he like put it in his car and-" Kie said getting cut off by pope "i heard their whole conversation" Pope said "DUDE!" i yelled as they just admitted to a crime  "you wire tapped him?" Shoupe said "is that bad" Kie said "JJ you think thats good being on probation and all? what were you doing" He said now instead of his gun he was touching his cuffs because wire tapping is a crime and JJ can not commit a crime while on probation "sir- we were um in the middle of breaking up wasn't mentally there?" JJ said trying to make it as if he didnt know what the two were doing but it was obvious that he was lying  as i slouched no longer standing up straight at the mess that this was "I've had enough" Shoupe said walking away as they all yelled over each other Kie following him as we all left Kie still arguing with Shoupe as I walked too the car not wanting to be in the middle knowing I could get in trouble for walking out on the questioning and I still owed them a lot of information Kie ran up and caught up to me "Layla wait" Kie yelled "what the fuck was that Kie? Calling the cops? You could have one gotten JJ arrested or me thrown back into questioning" I yelled at her "what did you want me to do stay quiet about it?" "Yes Kie yes we have no evidence when has our word against ward's  ever gotten us anywhere they never believe us Kie" I said to her. "listen I need to get home? I said taking the short 5 minute walk home from where we were

Call Out My Name - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now