Chapter 16

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General pov:

The fight had begun and it was looking like it was going to be a long one. Barry was fighting both Thawne and Savitar. He was pushing himself past his limits. While Barry was fighting Thawne and Savitar Frost was fighting Iris, Oliver was fighting The Dark Arrow, and Kara was fighting Overgirl. Everyone else was fighting the Nazi army. Barry and the two other speedster were fighting all across time while Supergirl and Overgirl were fighting all across the planet. Oliver and The Dark Arrow were evenly matched however the Oliver had some new arrows up his sleeve. He had recently added kryptonite arrows to his arsenal. Barry was overexerting himself and was barley keeping up with Thawne and Savitar. Frost had been learning how to make more than just daggers with ice but unfortunately so had Iris. They were locked in combat Iris was using a battle axe made out of fire while Frost was using two swords made out of ice. Oliver was fighting The Dark Arrow hand to hand style. They had both run out of Arrows except for one that Oliver was saving for the next time he saw Overgirl. As if on que Overgirl and Superfirl came flying in. Oliver took this as his chance and released his arrow. It hit direct center of her heart but she wasn't down yet. While this was going on Iris had been beaten and Barry had gained the upper hand on Savitar. Savitar knew this wasn't going to end well for him if he stayed so he did the logical thing and flashed himself and Iris out of there. Felicity informed Super girl that Overgirl was about to blow. Supergirl flew her into earths orbit and then she blew. That was it that was the end of the battle and the heroes won.

"Noooo." The Dark Arrow screamed. Oliver took this chance and pulled an arrow out of one of the lifeless Nazi soldiers body and loaded it into his bow.

"I am going to ki-" He stood up and started saying but was cut off by an arrow in his chest.

Barry and Thawne were still locked in intense combat. Barry was able to catch Thawne off guard and pinned him against a pillar of concrete that was supporting a bridge. Barry started vibrating his hand and screaming at Thawne.

Kara's pov:

I looked over and saw Barry vibrating his hand and moving it closer to The Reverse Flash's chest.

"Barry stop." I yelled running over to him but he didn't listen. He was beating The Reverse Flash senselessly to the point where he was barley able to stand. He then Started vibrating his hand again.

"THIS IS FOR MY MOTHER." He yelled. As he was about to plunge his hand in The Reverse Flash's chest I saw Killer Frost knock him out with an ice blast. We all headed back to S.T.A.R. labs and Frost put Barry in the med bay. We were all in the cortex and most of us were thinking the same thing so I decided to break the silence.

"What was that all about and why did Barry say this is for my mother?" I asked. This got me some concerning looks from all of Team Flash and most of Team Arrow.

"I guess there is some explaining to do but first who also doesn't know about The Reverse Flash?" Oliver asked. Dinah, Rene, Curtis, J'honn, Alex, and I all raised our hands not knowing what they meant by some explaining. At this Frost came into the room changing into Caitlin.

"So first off all The Reverse Flash's real name is Eobard Thawne. Thawne killed Barry's mother when he was 11 and his dad went to prison for it." Caitlin started and Oliver chimed in.

"Thawne became stuck in this time period and could not get home. So he had to make the particle accelerator and make Barry The Flash." Oliver said before Cisco interrupted.

"Then Thawne who was posing as Harrison Wells mentored Barry and Trained him. Barry looked up to him and when Barry found out about what he did it broke him." Cisco said. Cisco, Felicity, Caitlin, Frost, and Oliver spent the next few hours explaining the rest of Barry's story. Everything with Zoom and Savitar and his dad. They explained all of it. J'honn, Rene, Curtis, Dinah, Alex, and I all looked at each other in shock. "How could one person have gone through all this tradegdy and still stay this happy" I thought. Oliver, Caitlin, Cisco, Diggle, Joe, Felicity, and Harry looked like they were filled with sadness. Caitlin and Oliver were filled with the most sadness.

"That explains all everything but how does he deal with all of it." I asked.

"Well he doesn't do it alone." Oliver said. Alex, J'honn, And I said goodbye and headed back to our earth only thinking of the pain that Barry had endured.

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