Chapter 18

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Barry's Pov:

I can't believe it I created the speed force. I stood there for what felt like forever just staring at the spot the speed force was. After awhile Caitlin spoke up.

"Wow you created the speed force that is so cool!!!" She said hugging me.

At that moment Cisco walked in wondering what all the commotion was about. Caitlin lead me to a couch to sit down while I am still processing everything.

"Well the speed force appeared to warn us about Iris and Savitar's plan to use me to force Barry to give up his speed again." Caitlin told Cisco while I was still sitting in shock.

"But why would the speed force warn you?" Cisco asked looking at us.

"We were wondering the same thing so we asked and apparently I or future me created the speed force and whenever I run I generate more of it." I said finally getting my bearings.

I looked straight at Cisco who looked exactly like Cait and I just moments ago.

"That is so cool!!!" Cisco exclaimed jumping up and down like a little kid.

"I know right." Caitlin said in the same manner.

"So that means that at some point in the future you will create the speed force but wait what are you going to do about Iris and Savitar?" Cisco asked.

"We have been thinking about that and since this Savitar is from a different earth he does not share my memories so what we can do is let him take Caitlin or at least who he thinks is Caitlin. We could go to Earth-2 and get that earths Killer Frost and maybe Caitlin can convince her to help us. Savitar and Iris will take her thinking that it is Caitlin and then when they come for my speed our Caitlin will help us stop them before they can get it." I said just rattling off the first plan that came to mind.

"That is a good thought Barry but you have to remember that Iris hates Caitlin and what if thy try to torture her we wouldn't want Earth-2 Killer Frost to be tortured." Cisco said.

"Damn you are right what if instead we get her to help us in a different way. We could use her and trick Iris and Savitar that that is our Caitlin and Frost and then when they try to take her we stop them there." I said trying to com up with a way around the kidnaping all together.

"That might actually work but isn't Earth-2 Killer Frost dead." Caitlin asked noticing the hint of fear in my eyes at the thought of losing her.

"Shit I didn't think of that maybe we cou-" I started to say before I was cut off by Savitar flashing in.

"I am going to borrow her for a little while." He said taking Caitlin as he left.

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed as he took her.

I ran as fast as I could after him but he was too fast. When I arrived back at S.T.A.R. labs I noticed another speed force portal open up. The speed force in the form of my mom stepped out.

"I forgot to mention." She started to say before she stopped noticing the anger in my eyes.

"Uhh what happened?" She asked.

"Savitar took Caitlin." I said barley able to control myself.

"Well shit I will help anyway I can." She said before helping me to sit down.

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