Part 1 - Freak of the Fighting Pits

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"With lightning precision, the Half-Breed defeats his quarry in a record time of 36 seconds!" The crowd erupts with cheers as drinks and various pieces of trash shoot out from the large stands. "Freak! Freak! Freak!" They begin to chant, causing me to leave the pit faster than I put my opponent in the dirt.

Cupping my hands around my half-mask, I rapidly take deep breaths, trying to calm my anxiety as I move through the arena halls. My nerves finally clear as I step into my rather barren room. A nice bed is sometimes all you need. Ripping the rebreather from my face, I quickly undo my hand wrappings to reveal blood-soaked knuckles. "Fuck." I growl, rushing into my bathroom to rinse them off.

Just as the cold water is beginning to feel good, a much taller Vastayan barges into the room. "Y/N! My little mini-me!" Sett ecstatically ruffles my sweaty hair, being careful to avoid my ears. I swat his large hand away while flicking water into his face. "What are you doing in here?" I deadpan, placing my bruised fists back under the faucet.

He wants something. Sett never comes in my room after a match to just talk. "Well?" He scratches the back of his head with a smile. "Am I really that obvious?" Drying my hands, I head back into the bedroom with the boss of the fighting pits in tow. "Just spit it out. What, does he want rematch? Guess that kick really did give him brain damage."

"Kid, I don't think that guy's gonna be walking for a while." He chuckles, leaning against the doorframe that he barely fits into. "I've got some VIPs coming to the pits tomorrow, and I need you to put on a show." I scoff as I gently place the mask back over my nose. I continue, locking it on, "You know I hate making a scene. My fist hits the guy's face, he falls over, end of match. No theatrics. No fuss. No show-"

Sett quickly interrupts. "I get that you don't like the attention; I do. But just hear me out. These big-shot pop star girls are coming down here from the east to see if we're good enough to sponsor them. If we are, this pit's name will be on every billboard from here to Demacia! All you have to do is make the fight last longer than thirty seconds." He chuckles.

"If I say yes, will you stop bothering me?" I rub my temples, a headache beginning to flare. Sett nods with a shit-eating grin. "Fine. On one condition: I don't have to talk to them." Glaring at him, he smirks. "Why? You afraid of some chicks?" I quickly shoot back, "N-No! You know I'm terrible at talking to people. Especially girls."

"One of these days, we're gonna get you over that shyness problem. I'll see what I can do. They might want to meet the reigning champ." Sett gives me a proud look. "Alright, alright. I know when I'm not welcome. Get some shut eye, kid. You've got a big day tomorrow." As the door clicks, I pull the black metal covering off my face.

I doubt they'd want to meet the Freak of the Fighting Pits. This hellhole's nickname for me. One of these days, I'm going to get Sett to put the announcer in the pit with me. Sighing, I fall backward on the bed. My body is tired, but my mind is still very much awake.

-Timeskip and 3rd POV-

Sleep did not come easy for Y/N that night, with his anxiety eventually winning and keeping him awake. Struggling to get out of bed, he throws a hoodie on and heads to the training room. First one here... like always, Y/N thinks as he moves to grab his hand wraps. Gently pulling them around his black and blue knuckles.

After waiting for thirty minutes and doing some light warm-ups, his trainer finally shows up. The black-haired man rolls his eyes as Y/N waves. Within ten seconds of starting, Y/N had him against the ropes, repeatedly wailing on the red training pads. Y/N chuckles as he takes a step back. "You good back there?" "Shut up, brat. Take five." The trainer mutters.

"And here he is!" Sett's voice booms through the gym as he enters with four women behind himself. "Mask!" Y/N shouts, his trainer hopping out of the ring to grab it. He catches the metal rebreather and quickly puts it on. Cupping the sides, gas releases making the half-Vastayan take a deep breath.

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